Justin - Cat ears

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"Really darren?"

"Come on bruh, it'll be funny"

Darren is trying to put cat ears on you as a so called prank for Justin. You don't really see how this would be funny and honestly think he just wants to tease him later about it "why me bro" "because you his girlfriend bruh" you sigh and look at yourself in the mirror

Black cats ears were clipped on with some of your hair covering it making it look almost realistic "wow, not bad darren" you said "I know bruh now come on I wanna prank him all ready"

You rolled your eyes and walked into you and Justin's room and see justin was distracted gaming

"Hey baby" you kiss his cheek making him smile "are you streaming" you asked "nah I'm just passing time" he says and you lay your head in his neck rubbing the ears on him "woah, the fuck is that" he says looking at you "you like them" you smile

Justin didn't say anything "you love me and you love cats so why not have two things you love in one" you said "I know but I don't know" he says looking at you confused

You were about to take the ears off "well if you dont like it I can just take them of-" justin grabbed your wrist "no, I wanna take a pic first" You rolled your eyes and took some pictures with Justin knowing it was going to be on insta later

"Can I take this off now" "yeah" you put the cat ears on the desk and sit on his lap with a sigh "I'm so tired" He smiles and looks at you with lights in his eyes


"You look cute with cat ears"

"Shut up"

If you're wondering about Darren, he fell asleep

Hope you enjoyed this mess

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Love you <333

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