Ryan - baby fever

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A week ago:

"please y/nnnn, you're the one she likes the most" your sister whined

"She's literally the most sassy to me" you said with a black stare

"Please, its only for two days" she pleads "plus, you owe me and I need a break from motherhood" you sister gave you baby eyes and literally begged you

You loved your sister to death and you understood how hard being a mother was, not that you were one "Fine I'll watch her, but you know the boys are going to get attached" you smiled as your sister hugged and thanked you



"Okay nala, be good for you aunt and her friends" you held your one year old niece as your sister and her husband we're saying goodbye "Mommy loves you" she just responds in babbles

"Everything she needs is in her baby bag, I put some extra diapers and wipes in there" she said "Are you sure you wanna watch her? I can take her to grandma" you shook your head "Its fine sis, you need a break and I have everything under control"

(Ty allowed you to have her over, dw y'all)

"Okay, love you guys" She blew kisses to nala and you closed the door "Are you ready to spend the weekend with auntie y/n" nala just looked at you "okay sassy lets go show you my weirdos" you picked her up and walked to the living room

The boys were everywhere in the living room filming tiktoks, playing games, eating and anything else "Guys! Look who's here" all the boys look at you and your niece and soon group around you

"Aww, who is this cutie" Oli says smiling at her "This is my niece nala, I'm watching her for my sister for the weekend" Kane pokes her cheek and she giggles and hides her face in your neck making everyone swoon

"She's so cute bro" justin holds her little hands and she makes random noises in which darren mirrors "How old is she?"  Regie pokes her nose "She's only one years old" you place her on the floor to walk and she goes straight for the couch near bae and ryan

"Do you think she's a star?" You told them that your sister plays videos of the channel sometimes "She's a baby star bruh" regie said


Its was mid afternoon and nala was sitting on kanes leg and playing peek a boo with sebastian "where's nala? There she is!" Seb tickles her belly and she starts giggling but then stops "Oh? Nala?" Kane looks at her but then

She starts crying

The boys started panicking (panic🤪 stream it-) "what did you do kane" darren asked "Why do you think I did something" "probably your breath dude" you walked and just sighed "These boys are gonna lose it being parents" you thought

"What are you guys doing?" You asked "Nala started crying" ryan picked her up and handed her to you "She's probably hungry" you gently bounced her to try to calm her down "are you hungry nala" you said in a baby voice walking to the kitchen

"Why does it look like they're the parents" Justin semi whispers and Darren starts laughing

You peel back some apple sauce and scoop some up "here nala" you lead the spoon to her mouth but she moves her head everytime you try to feed her "can I try?" Ryan asked "be my guest" you hand him the spoon and try to feed her

"Here nala, yummy apple sauce" nala eats the apple sauce with ease "I swear she has favorites" you said and ryan smiles at you "Its okay babe, I can feed her" Nala hops on the counter while smacking her lips basically saying 'hurry up! More'

As more time when past, ryan would occasionally look at you and nala together and see how when she would smile or giggle you would laugh back and that would make him smile to himself and warm his heart, well justin caught this

"Yo bro, who got you smiling like that" he joked "shut up bro" he rolled his eyes "no seriously, you've been smiling a lot and its always with y/n and nala" Justin nudges his shoulder "my boy catching baby fever"

Ryan just sucked his teeth and shook his head "your crazy bro" he said "alright, just don't get shock with an 'Im late' text"


Its was getting closer to night so that means getting nala ready for bed "come on nala, bath time" she smiles and claps her hands, your sister did says she loves bath time

You went upstairs to you and Ryan's bathroom and started running water in the tub "you wanna use bubble soap or bath bombs nala?" You asked while getting her undressed "ba boom" she says making you smile at her cuteness "what did she say? ryan asked

"She wants bath bombs" you smile and put her in the tub as making sure the water wasn't too cold or hot "Okay nala you sit here while I go get your clothes ready" you left ryan with her and went through her baby bag for night onesies

When you went back to the bathroom, you see nala and ryan laughing together while she was holding his face while making random noises trying to talk "that's right nala, you're so smart" ryan was swooned by her baby energy

You watched as ryan and nala talked to each other thinking they were still waiting for you but that soon ended when she called you out "ya Na" she reached her hands out to you and you laughed while dropping her bath bomb in and begin washing up

"You know,you're good with her ryan" you said while getting ready to wash her hair "you would make a good father in the future" you didn't realize what you said after a few minutes "Oh uh I meant um you're just good with uh kids" you tried to hide your face by not looking at him and focused on nala

Ryan smiled and kissed your head "you would make a great mother" you were about to say something but nala started splashing in the water and yelling a bunch of random rumbles

"Let's hurry up and get her out, idiot" you pushed him lightly and finished her might routine.

By the time you got her to finally go to sleep, you crashed right after her "god, kids are so much work" you sighed "She hasn't even been all that bad, barely cried" ryan laughed at you and cuddled you with nala in the middle "You did really good taking care of her thought" he said

"I know, I'm gonna charge my sister when she gets back" you two laughed together and watched random movies and videos until you guys fell asleep

And your sister paid you 45 dollars for watching her when she came back


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I hope you guys liked this

I think this is my longest oneshot so far

I got this idea when I was watching miss mango butt (love her btw)

Bye stars ⭐💕

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