Are You An Angel?

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The suns were just beginning to dip below the horizon of Tatooine, bathing the rough, coarse, sand in a pleasing golden-orange light, as the shops began closing, market canopies were being packed up, and children were being called in for dinner lovingly by their guardians, the atmosphere generally relaxed.
Except for one storefront.

"Scram Kid! How many times I gotta tell you? You're not welcome here!"
Said the store clerk, yet again.

This spooked young five year old
Y/N L/N. She clutched the stolen bread and mech parts she held under her cloak closer to her body as she trembled in place before running as fast as she could, away from the scary man.

She kept running for what must have been hours until she tripped and fell through an open trap door.

Y/N twisted and thrashed around in the air until she landed harshly on her back, the wind getting knocked out of her in the process.

She groaned loudly as the air returned to her lungs and pain began flaring in her back.
She heard loud footsteps- or maybe that was just the throbbing of her head.
She vaguely noticed a face appear over her, but could barely register it as her consciousness began fading, the one
thing that could be registered by her almost certainly concussed mind were the words;
"Are you an angel?"
Before she completely blacked out.

A/N: This chapter is really short and really crappy compared to the rest (in my opinion) so please just try and stick with it, it gets better.

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