Could it be?

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It has been ten years since Y/N and Anakin were freed from slavery, and Obi-Wan took Anakin under his wing, Yoda taking Y/N under his.

Unfortunately, it has also been ten years since Y/N and Anakin have so much as seen each other.

They have been trained at complete odds to one another, their paths never crossing.

But, as Senator Padme Amidala, an old friend to both of them, comes under threat, they are both called to action.

This, my friends, is where our story begins.
The door to an apartment slides open. Jar Jar walks into the corridor, where two Jedi are exiting the elevator.
He recognises Obi-Wan and becomes extremely excited, jumping around, shaking his hand.

"Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen
to see'en yousa. Wahoooooo!"

Obi-Wan smiles.
"It's Good to see you, too, Jar Jar."

"Oops! Wheresa mesa manners? Excuse me, Master Obi-Wan. I completely forgot myself for a moment there. I have had to learn Diplodiaclect... speak it like a native now. Don't really see the point, actually, but members of the Senate seem to prefer it..."

Jar Jar notices Obi-Wan's Apprentice.

"...and this, I take it, is your
apprentice... Nooooooooo! Annie Noooooooo! Little Bitty Annie?"
He asks.
He then looks at Anakin.
"Nooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Annie!! Mesa no believen."
He says, completely abandoning any semblance of formality.

Anakin smiles and says;
"Hi, Jar Jar."

Jar Jar grabs hold of Anakin and envelops him in a big hug.
"Annie! Annie! Yiyiyiyiyiyiiii!"
Padme is in a conference with Captain Typho and Dorme. Jar Jar enters
the room, followed by the Two Jedi.

"Lookie... lookie... Oops!... Oh, dear, I'm afraid I've forgotten myself again."

Padme and Typho rise as Obi-Wan and Anakin stop before the senator.

Obi-Wan steps forward.
"It's a great pleasure to see you again,

Padme smiles at Anakin in a warm motherly fashion, and directs her attention towards Obi-Wan.
"It has been far too long Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again... but I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary."

I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons."

She moves in front of Anakin.
"Annie?? My goodness you've grown."

Anakin cringes slightly at the nickname, but smiles nonetheless.
"I'm very happy to see you again, Padme. Now if only Y/N could be here to complete our little group."
He says, looking around hopefully as if wishing she would just appear from the aether. Something he has been doing far to often for Obi-Wan's liking.

Obi-Wan looks knowingly at his apprentice. Padme laughs and
shakes her head.

"Oh Annie, you'll always be that little boy in need of his Angel I knew on Tatooine."

This embarrasses Anakin, and he looks down. Obi-Wan and Captain Typho smile.

"Our presence will be invisible, M'Lady."
Says Obi-Wan, attempting to reassure Padme.

"I am very grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit."
Said Captain Typho, side eyeing Padme.

"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me."
Says Padme, frustrated.

"We're here to protect you Senator, not to start an investigation."
Says Obi-Wan, frowning.

"We will find out who is trying to kill you Padme, I promise you."
Buts in Anakin.

He's done it again. He bites his lip in frustration and shame. Obi-Wan
gives Anakin a dirty look.
"We are not going to exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner."

"I meant in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course."

"We are not going through this exercise again, Anakin. You will pay attention to my lead."

He just had to go and say it.

Obi-Wan gave Anakin an incredulous look.

"Why else do you think we were
assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security... not Jedi. It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate."
Anakin reasons.

"We will do as the Council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one."
Obi-Wan says sternly.

As Obi-Wan and Anakin have a very intense staring match, the door bursts open.

"Sorry I'm late! *pants* the traffic was horrendous! *pants* I may also have had to stop a minor *pants* robbery attempt."
Says a young woman, mumbling the last part.

The girl stood there, adorned in Jedi robes with H/L H/C hair, a padawan braid with a dark green ribbon braided in, E/C eyes, S/C skin,  Hands on her knees, panting and absolutely soaked to the bone.

Anakin lit up at the sight of her. Could it be?

"Y/N! What a pleasure it is to see you!"
Padme says, walking up and embracing her, not caring about the fact that she was soaking wet.

"Hey Padme! It's great to see you too! Can you believe I got sent here to guard you? And Master Yoda let me come here on my own!"
Y/N says, proudly.
Padme giggles.
"You've changed. You've become much less reserved during your time as a Padawan."

Y/N blushes a bit, bashfully and rubs her neck nervously.
"Not really. I'm just happy to see you."

Padme turns back to Obi-Wan and Anakin and attempts to bring the argument to a close.

"Perhaps with merely your presence,
the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed.  Now if you will excuse me I will retire."

Everyone gives Padme a slight bow as she and Dorme leave the room.

"Well, I know I feel a lot better having you here. I'll have an officer on every floor and I'll be at the command centre downstairs."
Typho says, leaving the room.

Everyone turns to Y/N as she stands there awkwardly.
"Y/N!!! Y/N!! Little Y/NN! Mesa so happy to seeings yousa again!"
Says Jar Jar, running up to Y/N and jumping around her in circles.

Y/N laughs at this and says
"I'm glad to see you too Jar Jar. I've missed you."

She then turns to Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Her eyes widen.

Anakin snapped out of his trance, he had spent so long observing her- everything about her- and the ways in which she had changed since he had seen her last, that he nearly didn't register her saying his name.

He grins and opens his arms up, saying
"The one and only."

She beamed and came running into his open arms. The hug was just like old times. It was wonderful, warm, comforting and packed with emotion.

"I missed you Angel."

"I missed you too, Anakin."

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