It's the Demonic Queen's

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This short story is a sneak peek for my future book about Dimentio and The Pixl Queen/Shadoo's backstories. It's called: Tale of the Two Demonic Siblings

Special Thanks to: SilverStarWarrior for the amazing cover!! It's soo pretty!! I can't thank her enough! She is an amazing artist! And a amazing author!! I inspired this story from her. Check her out! 

Long ago, two timetravellers appeared on the worlds' edge:

A ancient, and a human.

These creatures known by the names of:

Lord Blumiere and Lady Timpani

After the two sacrificed themselfs to save all worlds, they found themselfs stuck in a empty void with nothing but teach other... and their love of course.

But as long as they were together these two were happy. Nothing could tear them apart again, right..?

After a few little... 'adjustments', they were back to their world.

They were still 3,000 years in the future however.

They were living on an island where humans and ancients lived in harmony...

for a while that is...

While they are in the past, the human Timpani had two beautiful children. The big sibling is their daughter Chiara Bleck and the little brother known by the name Alastor Bleck.

Hi, my name is Brooke Page. I am your narrator in this story. I am still a student at Narrator High though. So, I am not a proffesional yet... but I will do my best to tell this story. I found these stories about Super Paper Mario in a secret entrance of a library. These books are actually forbidden from getting told. But just like I always say... 'All stories deserve to be told.'

Although I must say, this story is filled with mysteries. So, if you have any questions, you can ask the author in the comments. They'll gladly answer you. Also, these story's events takes place in a future story called: Tale of the Two Demonic Siblings' It's a story about Dimentio and Shadoo's backstories.

3,000 Years Ago...

Lady Timpani was back in her human form. However, after the Chaos Heart fiasco she and her beloved Blumiere were trapped 3,000 years in the past. But as long as they were together... they didn't cared where they were.

Timpani is a blond human who has beautiful green eyes which are shinning in the dark. She has a hair clip of a rainbow colored butterfly. She had a purple dress with a skirt on herself.

It was night time in their new home. Timpani's been walking through the forest. It was soo quite that her every step was audible on the grass. He walked more and more until...

Finally... She reached the port of a sea. She never seen that port before. She curiously walked closer and closer to it. It was only a few steps left to the port when she heared a familiar voice coming from behind her. She startled and quickly turned around.

"Hey, mom!"

Timpani turned around to see her son 'Alastor Bleck' staring at her with a innocent smile on his face.

Alastor is a four year old who has blue hair that's dark as night. His human eyes are gorgeous green. They are the same as his mother's. His eyes turns black and yellow whenever his he uses his magic. He's skin is filled with furr. His furr is blue but a lot lighter than than his father Blumiere's furr. He has cat ears for some unknown reason the doctors can't explain. He has white glows on. He purrs sometimes.

Showtime Under the Sea (A Descendants Parody) ~ SPM ~Where stories live. Discover now