Zero Hour

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The mess hall flickers between dimness and brightness at the whims of the fluorescent lighting above us. It's like it hasn't been maintained for the sake of it not being broken in the first place. The chill manages to stay out, but we can't keep the door open for long unless we're in the mood for some extra cold breakfast.

Staring down at the buckwheat porridge prepared by Aurora, I lazily take a bite of the honey-drizzled oats. Sleeping in this white hell is hard, but sleeping with a serial tickler is worse. How was I supposed to know I was gonna be next?

Volga, who rests her head on her hands, tilts her head at me, "Did you get enough sleep last night? You look tired."

Big J grins next to me, and I put my spoon down, "I slept just fine."

Seeing Big J's expression, Volga laughs nervously, "You must have a lot on your hands at the port."

Kronshtadt sits down and joins us with a plate of sharlotka, "Privet, Comrades! Forgive me for waking up so late. I didn't drink enough before bed."

"You barely left any vodka for the rest of us," Aurora frowns.

"Did I not? I thought I left a bottle for you," Kronshtadt cuts a slice out of her spongy apple cake.

Belorussiya smirks, setting down her steaming coffee, "Don't you remember? You took the bottle from us in a drunken rage, saying you were saving it for Comrade Komandir."

Kronshtadt blushes when the table starts laughing, "You're lying! Y-You have to be lying. I wouldn't do that!"

"Wanna bet on it?" Belorussiya offers as Soyuz walks up behind her.

Leaning on Belorussiya's shoulders, Soyuz apologizes, "Sorry to interrupt the merry-making, everyone," she smiles at me, "Comrade Komandir, will you walk with me?"

Pulling on my gloves and Enty's cap, I stand up and follow Soyuz outside into the never-ending blizzard of the Northern Parliament. She pushes the iron door closed behind us before leading me over to the pier while the snowy wind lashes at us. The sky remains as black as night, despite my biological clock's inkling that it's daytime.

"What'd you want to talk about?" I move to lean on the railing beside the water, but flinch from its bone-chilling metal.

"I wanted to know a little more about you," Soyuz smiles, "How are things at Leviathan's Rest? I heard you modernized it."

"I expanded the town and refurbished the dormitory," I nod at her, "I also made sure to reserve a few buildings for the Northern Parliament. It's hot as hell, but I think you'd like it there."

She touches a finger to her chin, "That is quite odd, is it not? You never put a single dime into the town or dormitory before the council. In fact, the professionalism in your reports dropped significantly since then. What happened?"

I glance over at Soyuz, who now watches me blankly, "I don't see why I need to answer. It sounds like you know me well enough."

"Maybe I was not clear enough: you have changed, Comrade. I only seek to know why," she presses.

I can't forget that Soyuz works with High Command. Giving her the truth could end badly, but, then again, she told me beforehand that she didn't want to see me replaced. Was it to have me drop my guard? Does High Command suspect I'm a different person? If she does, the others must feel the same way.

Weaving up a lie, I mutter with a tone of regret, "I made one of my kansen cry."

Soyuz huffs, "Really? We have received countless complaints like that from your subordinates. What was different this time?"

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