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"Don't eat so fast, Little E. You're going to choke," Enty sighs as our daughter wolfs down her breakfast.

She swallows a mouthful of scrambled eggs, "But I wanna get strong and train!"

Enty rests her head on her hands, "Maybe I should have Sirius teach you some manners."

Sirius picks up a napkin and wipes Little E's chin as my daughter groans, "I don't wanna learn what fork to eat salad with! I wanna make my ship poof!"

"Poof?" I sip my coffee.

"Poof!" she slams her hands on the table.

"You can make your rigging poof later," I take out my phone and check Juustagram, "Let your mother eat first."

When I open the app, I'm alarmed by the hundreds of notifications in my DMs, having silenced my device when I went to bed. I quickly check to make sure it's not just Taihou. Although she accounts for over twenty messages, I'm alarmed to see that I've received at least one message from practically everyone in the port.

"Enty?" I stare at my phone, still scrolling through the names.

She tilts her head at me, "Yes?"

"Is today my birthday or something?" I take a glance at the calendar on the wall.

"I don't think so," she looks at it too, "Why?"

I click on a DM sent by Dunkerque of the Vichya Dominion, "True strength is not the capacity to bear one's burdens in suffering silence. It is the courage to show your vulnerability and open up to others. Do not hesitate to call me for a chat, Commandant."

Smiling, I explain, "I'm getting a lot of supportive messages out of nowhere. Sirius sent me one too."

Sirius's face reddens, and she looks to Enty, who nods, before clapping her hands. On cue, the door opens and four maids file into the room led by Monarch. Belfast, Dido, Charybdis, and Hermione all stand in a line and bow to me.

They chant in unison, "At your service, Master!"

"Huh? What's happening? Is this for me?" I look at Enty and Sirius, who both giggle at my confusion. Little E appears just as bewildered as I am.

Monarch clears her throat, "If you are still gobsmacked, check the port-wide announcement page."

Quickly navigating to the announcement board, I scan through the notice posted by... Nagato? The notice alerts the entire port of my absence from work due to mental health. There's also a link at the bottom asking everyone to sign a petition for High Command to give me a weekend break from office work.

"Hold on! I didn't say I needed this," I stand up, "I cry once and the whole port turns itself upside down? You're blowing it out of proportion. I'm fine now, really!"

Monarch glances at Enty, "We know very well the toll war takes on the mind, Commander. Every kansen does. Do not force yourself like this when you already fight with us on the frontlines. There is more to your life than battle and logistics."

I'm about to provide a counter argument until Dunkerque's message pops into my head again, "Fine. So long as the port doesn't suffer from this... fine. Still, isn't getting more maids a bit excessive? Sirius is more than enough help."

"My honourable Master," Sirius stands up to bow her head, "Monarch and I requested extra hands from Her Majesty for your sake. I cannot provide everything for you, as I am but one maid. Furthermore, we want you to spend your break with no troubles on your mind. Please, accept our gift."

At a loss for words, I watch Belfast step forward, "Spare us your protest, Master. We chose to serve you on our own volition. Instead, forget your worries and leave everything to the Royal Maids. Might I recommend taking a walk, first? Fresh air soothes the mind better than even mint or chamomile tea."

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now