Across the Rubicon

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I drop a stack of blueprints in front of Chkalov and Akashi, who sit on the couch in the laboratory, "When can you get started?"

Chkalov and Akashi, both of whom gathered at my request, glance at each other before looking over the documents in the folder.

"This isn't a matter of if," I add, "Our security is at risk. I need it done no matter what. Soyuz is helping me manage the logistics of this buildup, so make sure you talk to her and write me a daily report on its progress. Afterward, everyone will train on our new weapons and defense systems, including the Manjuu. TB will send you and Koln a guideline for them to teach both in the Academy and during exercises."

Chkalov looks at one of the blueprints, "Guided multiple launch rocket systems... This appears much like the Katyushas back home."

Akashi's ears flatten, "Chotto matte, nya! Who said I'd be forking over any cubes?"

Frowning, Chkalov grabs her by the cat ear and scolds, "Our home is at stake, koshka. Bourgeoisie like you make me sick! You're a kansen first and foremost!"

I also mention, "Akashi, we've got Wisdom Cubes collecting dust, and I don't want to know if they've got a shelf life. They're going to be used at some point, so why not now?"

The cat girl slaps Chkalov's hand away and hisses, "What happens if there's an emergency?"

"Then we set some aside for that possibility," I cross my arms, "We don't have time left. This has become an arm's race. Chkalov, you've got three days, at most, to produce and supply everything I've given you. Soyuz used wisdom cubes, didn't she?"

She picks up another blueprint, "Comrade, three days is too little time. Are you sure you are not best fit for this?"

I think of the work waiting for me back at the office and all the lies I'll have to tell High Command to cover this, "Fine... Akashi, bring the cubes. Two hundred, at least."

Akashi nearly flips the couch over, and Chkalov along with it, when she stands, "Hundred? We've got seven hundred stockpiled, Shikikan-nya! It took months to reach that, and our income of cubes has stagnated! If I set aside three hundred for an emergency and use two hundred for your new toys, we've got two hundred left for what?"

"Resupplying our new weapons," I say, raising my voice before she can protest, "which will bring in more cubes anyway! Efficient weapons only increase the amount of wisdom cubes we'll get using them. It'll lower our inventory, sure, but we'll build back up. Think of it as an investment."

"'Investment,'" Akashi meows, "You can use that excuse again and again, but business jargon alone won't convince me."

"I don't need to convince you – it's an order," I remind her.

Akashi huffs and heads for the door, "You're sounding like the old commander."

Chkalov stands up, "Akashi!"

But the girl leaves without another word, the metal door slamming shut behind her. I stare at it in silence, glancing back down at the blueprints I'd created with a wisdom cube and thoughts alone.

Chkalov rounds the table, "(Y/N)?"

I shake my head, "I don't want to let anyone down, Chkalov."

"Who have you disappointed?" She asks in a soft tone, "You have done the best you can like the rest of us. You have done your best, have you not?" I nod, "Then there is nothing to feel sorry for. Do not blame your old self for not knowing what you know today, and to hell with that pussycat!"

For some reason, her pronunciation of "pussycat" exaggerated by her Russian accent makes me grin.

She notices and pokes my chest with her finger, "Pussycat."

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now