The Squall

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"Foxhound, assemble our second fleet and double-time it. Vestal, show Anchorage to her dorm and stay with her for a while," as everyone disperses, I grab Enty's shoulders, "I need you with me."

"I definitely wasn't going to let you leave me behind this time," she grins, "I'm ready for orders, Commander."

Thankful she's not giving me special treatment, I order, "Find enough Manjuu to man the Iron Mettle. I'll be waiting on it."

"Yes, Commander," Enty nods before running off.

Meanwhile, I take out my phone and contact Bismarck using the number she gave me at work, "Bismarck, Friedrich may have gone rogue. Know anything about that?"

"Rogue? What do you mean?" I take note of the shock in her voice.

"Friedrich abandoned the island with a group of Iron Blood kansen. We don't know where she's going, but this timing is too perfect. Don't tell me you're still dealing with the Sirens," I grip my phone tighter, "Are you?"

"I am not, but Friedrich?" Bismarck huffs, "It was a mistake to let her off the leash. I should have known she was up to something. Let me sort this out, Kommandant."

"No!" I cross the gangway and board the Iron Mettle, "You're staying here until I return. I can't be certain you're not involved in this. If you're really innocent, you'll listen to my command and come to me for questioning later. Understood?"

She's silent for a moment, "Understood..."

"Wait for us in my office. I'll be back," I stare up at the battleship's bridge.

I'm about to hang up until the phone blares, "Whatever happens, do not trust Friedrich. If she offers you anything, even if it's to spare your life, do not heed her!"

My chest tightens from her warning, "I won't."

"Do not take unnecessary risks. Good luck," Bismarck hangs up, leaving me alone with my ship.

* * *

At the bow of the Iron Mettle, I rock with my ship along the churning waves. The weather's getting worse. The sky surrendered its azure hue to a cloudy, gray tone, an omen of a storm to come. It's the last thing we need at a time like this. I pray it doesn't cover Friedrich's tracks before we can find her. I also hope Wales isn't having trouble with Bismarck back at the port.

"How's our pace, Foxhound?" I shout up at the destroyer standing atop the monkey island.

She peeks over the railing and yells down to me, "Scent's getting stronger! We better catch them before the rain dilutes it!"

I bite my tongue and glare at the main guns. Will a mass-produced ship even scratch a kansen's rigging? No matter. The Iron Mettle's nothing but a cover, a distraction. Knowing my tactics, Friedrich will know I'm not alone, but she'll never be able to guess how many kansen I've brought along with me. This alone will make her reconsider an attack. That's if she doesn't willingly spring my trap, at least.

Hood, Warspite, Revenge, and Formidable lie in wait at the stern of our ship with Enty, ready to jump into action at a moment's notice. Neptune leads Foxhound, Hunter, and Jervis at our vanguard. I'd wished to bring some Eagle Union brawn to reinforce our frontline, but time is short. Enty and I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to Little E, either.

I'll come back to her. Even if I'm without an arm, leg, or eye, I won't make her an orphan.

Before I can process the raindrop that hits my shoulder, a downpour blankets the ship in a barrage of torrential rain and heavy wind. Our visibility with the naked eye has been reduced to a mile at most. Radar will have to do, but it's still got its holes despite the Eagle Union tech.

Hymn From the High Seas (Azur Lane x Commander Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now