Chapter 2 the Justice League gets the News about Hannah

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Michael and his wife Tracy just found out their daughter Hannah has cancer and needs treatment. Dr. Tristan said when she comes in for her first treatment on Monday she was going to stay in the hospital for a while. He said she might have to stay a few days or longer. 

Then Michael got a communication from the tower.

"Hey how is Hannah?" Flash asked.

"Yes is she alright?" Hawkgirl asked.

"We want to know how she is doing," Superman said.

The others agreed.

"Well after going to the doctor he said Hannah needed to go to the hospital to get some tests done, and they told us the test results." Michael said.

"What were the results?" Batman asked.

"Hannah has bone cancer, known as Ewing's sarcoma," Michael said.

"Cancer? How can they be sure?" Flash asked.

"They did a few tests and they found out that is Ewing's sarcoma." Michael said. "They said that swelling on her leg was from the tumor on her bone and the sample of bone had cancer cells that were that of Ewing's sarcoma," he said. "So now she is going to start treatment and Monday and will have to stay in the hospital for a while," he said.

 "Booster you are going to have our full support during this time, You, Tracy and Hannah," Superman said.

"Thanks I really appreciate it," Michael said. "We hard having such a hard time after finding out right now," he said. "We are prepared to take care of her and do what we can to help her beat this, I will talk to you later." he said and he hung up.

The justice league was shocked. Happy and healthy little Hannah has cancer? It was terrible, how come this disease had to attack such a nice little girl?

The rest of the league heard the news. They were stunned. "Why did it have to happen to her?" Plastic man asked.

"I am shocked that cancer can happen in one so young," Wild cat said.

"Poor little girl," Fire said.

"I feel terrible for her," Ice said.

"It must be hard for her and her father," Green arrow said.

"We need to do our best to help out," Black Canary said.

Many others were talking too.

"Everyone I understand this is upsetting news." Superman said getting everyone's attention. The other members looked at him. "Just remember Booster Gold, Tracy and Hannah are going through a lot right now because they just found out," he said.

"I know how much Hannah has started to mean to us," he continued. "I know she is part of the family here at Justice League, but we must remember like a family we will help each other in tough times," he said.

All the justice league was listening.

"Hannah is going to go through lots of treatment and going to have good days and bad days. So she is going to need encouragement and love during this time." he said. "Booster Gold, and Tracy are going to feel a bit overwhelmed and scared for Hannah. He will also be busy taking care of her so Booster Gold won't be able to do much hero work." he said.

The justice league knew that was true.

"We are going to help him out with his hero duties, and we can take turns helping him with Hannah so he can take a break, and talk to him and Tracy if they need someone to talk to," he said.

The justice league nodded. 

"Just remember be supportive as possible, because they need it now more than ever," he said. "Do make myself clear?" he asked.

"Yes," the justice league said.

They were going to do their best to help Booster Gold, Tracy and Hannah during this trying time in their lives. Because now was when Booster Gold, Tracy and Hannah really needed friends to be there for them and help them.

Right now Hannah and her parents were worrying, and fretting. They were Hannah will survive her battle with cancer.

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