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Inside a sophisticated office a person was behind the desk typing away on the desktop.

The name board on his table read VINOD VARMA. But the man sitting behind the desk was his son Rohan Varma.

He looked calm and composed and didn't appear the least to be tensed. There were many more works pending.

He did not in the least felt tired because he loved what he was doing.

The door pushed open and Vinod came inside the office hanging up the phone respectfully.

"Son if we manage to get this deal then our problems will be over." Vinod told his son unable to hide his excitement.

Rohan did not reply but smiled softly at his father's words and continued with what he was doing.

Vinod sat down on the recliner, making himself comfortable.

"If only my sons' were interested in my line of business. You both chose different paths and I have to suffer in my old age to take care of this business." He said crumbling at the injustice.

"Dad I am helping you right now so I haven't totally abandoned you." He reasoned with his dad.

"What is so good about software development, clothing business is more traditional and secure."
'He is back to that topic again,' thought Rohan.

It was now a routine for Vinod to chide both his sons'. Both chose to purse a career that was not in line with his business.

He was disgruntled with their choice and also now he had no safe hands to give his business in. Though his eldest son is in the same field he still chose a different path.

As usual Rohan did not comment. He kept himself busy. Soon time came for both to return home.

The drive back home was silent both were tired from work. As the car entered the porch Vinod bid his son good night and went directly to sleep.

Rohan was in no hurry, he took his phone and laptop from the backseat and got out of the car.

He went to his room and placed his belongings on his study. He felt thirty and went to pour water from the jug that was in the bedside table.

He found the jug to be empty. He decided to drink from the kitchen and went out of his room.

After drinking the cold water from the fridge he climbed the stairs back to his room.

He hadn't noticed it earlier but this time he saw a trace of dim light coming from Divya's room. He knew she had the habit of going to bed early.

He found it strange that she was still awake. He knocked on her door lightly. But there was no sign of movement inside.

He turned the door knob and it opened. He walked inside her room, the light he saw from outside was coming from her study lamp.

But there was no one on the table. He looked in the direction of the bed and saw it too was empty.

It was when he turned he saw a figure sprawled on the sofa fast asleep.

He raised his eyebrow at what he saw.
'This girl, can't she sleep on the bed.' shaking his head he went in her direction.

He took the book lying on her waist and placed it on the teatable.

He slowly lifted her up in the bridal style and carefully walked in the direction of the bed.

The curtains on her windows were drawn which made the room lit in the moonlight.

He placed her down on the bed. But before he could walk away the moonlight shone on her face.

It made her look more beautiful. Rohan felt his heartbeat rise. He knew staying there was dangerous.

He had been avoiding her for two years. Every time he was with her he felt himself unable to control his feelings.

He did not want to scare her with his intense feelings. Most of the time he made sure to keep his distance from her every time he came home.

But nothing seemed to work. He can feel the beast inside him trying to take control of his urges.

Just like now he felt incapable of walking away. He hands forming a dent on the bed with the strength he was using.

He slowly leaned into her face. Maybe feeling his breath on her face she frowned slightly in her sleep.

Her lips parted slightly. Rohan found himself leaning over, his lips almost touching hers.

He forcefully pulled away from her and walked away cursing his low self reliance.

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