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Roshan and Indu were given the duty of arranging the colours. While they were at it Roshan was called away by his father leaving the work entirely to her. Indu stomped her foot in frustration. There were more than a dozen packets of colours lying outside the compound.

Most of the helpers were busy with arranging snacks and juices. So with the remaining few she wouldn't be able to complete the task in one go. While she was thinking of her plan of action she saw Roshan rushing towards them. She thought he was here to give her a helping hand.

"Indu I am taking two of them with me it's urgent." Roshan said pointing to the two workers and asking them to follow him. "Don't worry I will send them back," he added before she could protest. Once he left she was left with only five people. She immediately made them carry two boxes each before anyone else could rob her of them.

With this less manpower it would take more time to set up the stall with colours. While contemplating how to make up time her eyes found her sister. Her eyes lit up when she found both her sister and bhaiya, if she put them to work she could barely manage the work here.


Divya's POV

"No dear, it wasn't like that. You might have heard it wrong," Rooba aunty said in a matter of fact manner. I was listening to the latest gossip in the village when I felt being pulled back.

I panicked thinking Rohan was being unscrupulous. But it turned out to be Indu, seeing her I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "What are you doing," I asked her as she kept on dragging me with her. "I will tell you once we get there." She replied not letting out what she was up to.

She took me to the corner near the gate where the stall was to be set up. Aunty had made this arrangement because she did not want anything dirtying her beautiful garden. It was even off limits to all while playing Holi. She was serious when she declared it as a forbidden area. She even had the entire area sealed off because of her great trust in us.

My uncle couldn't control his laughter at my aunt's antics. But he dared not to laugh at her face. Seeing his failed attempt we all laughed out uncontrollably, only to get an earful from aunt. Uncle was the one who was mostly at the receiving end of her wrath.

Indu brought me to the other side of the tables, where different colours to be arranged. She then came out and stood opposite of me. I crossed my arms and raised my brow at her. "Now can you tell me what you are trying to do," I asked her again eying her suspiciously.

"Didi, can you please set up the stall. please," she asked me blinking her eyes cutely at me. That's when I noticed the empty tables before me. I looked around and noticed a few boxes placed on top. I frowned at what I saw, "Indu weren't you both supposed to do this yesterday." I asked since I remember hearing uncle mention something like that yesterday.

Indu sighed at my question, "yes we were supposed to didi, but our order got delayed and it was delivered in the morning." She said thinking of the trouble. "Roshan was supposed to help but uncle took him away and there is also a shortage of workers. So please help me didi," before hearing my reply she ran off. I shook my head at her.

Five men walked in a line each carrying two boxes on their arms. They placed it above the earliest ones and walked. 'Oh god, when will I finish unpacking them.' I tied the ends of the dupatta and got to work.

I checked the boxes to find the colours. After doing so I differentiated each box accordingly. I realised that only five colours were ordered and it made my work easy as I decided to keep one colour on each table.

I cut open five boxes and took each packet inside and poured them on the bowls placed on the tables. In the process my hands became coated in a fusion of colours. After opening each box containing different colours, I had filled at least one bowl in each table.

Since everyone was having their breakfast not many had come outside. As I finished another packet, I kept the empty plastic inside the box. Before I could turn to grab another one a bit of my short hair escaped from behind my ears. Because of the wind, the hair was continuously getting in my eyes.

I tried to remove them using the edge of my wrist since my hands were full of the colours. I succeeded after many attempts, heaving a sigh I bent down to grab another packet. But before I could retrieve my hand another hand covered mine.

I turned my head and met his eyes. He had a small smile on his lips. "Rohan, what are you doing here," I asked him and removed my hand from his. "I was sent here to help," he said leaning to my side. I got up from the ground and he too followed me. "You can start with those two tables," I said pointing to the tables that are furthest from here.

"Really, that's too far away," he whined at my decision. "Are you serious. Why does it matter that it's far away if you are here to help," I said by crossing my arms. "Fine," he muttered distastefully about the arrangement. I smiled at my victory and continued with what I was doing.

The boxes I bought inside the stall were finally finished, throwing the empty ones out I went out to grab another set. Rohan too followed me, "are you done," I asked him. "Of course," he replied shrugging his shoulder. I turned my back to him so that I could carry a box, but before I could take one he hugged me from behind.

"What are you doing, someone could see us," I said trying to get out of his hold. Unable to break his hold I turned around in his arms. I tried to push him off by pinching his chest. He let me go, surprised at my attack. I took the box and walked past him glaring at him.

He chuckled at me, after that whenever I came out to take another box he would sneak behind to hug me. Each time I had to beg or hit him to let me go. Finally fed up with his antics I decided to play a little trick on him. This time before I went out I dipped my hands in red colour bowls.

Making sure my hands had enough colour I went out and waited for him to follow me. The moment I reached the boxes I sensed a hand sneaking around my waist. I smiled inwardly at what I was going to do. Once again I turned around in his arms and this time instead of pushing him away, my hands coiled around his neck.

He looked into my eyes sensing my change. Seeing me smile at him he looked suspiciously at me. "Rohan I missed you," I whispered into his chest. "Was it so hard to say," he asked me tightening his hold on me. I tried my best not to throw him off. Still maintaining the smile on my face I brought my hands from his neck and gently rubbed his cheeks.

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