chapter one

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A ringing screeches at my ears; until I open my eyes to knock over my alarm clock to end the noise. "Wake up Marley! Miss another day of school and I will take up principals offer of you taking on community work!" I roll my eyes to the back of my head.

I've had some attendance issues this past school year. Can you blame me? After everything that's happened in this shit town, the least I worry about is school.

However, I can't keep acting how I am forever. This is my senior year, and if I want my diploma, I must change my attitude.

I would never say this out loud, but I also want to be a better influence to my little brother, Dustin. It may seem dorky, but that kid kinda means everything to me. I want to be the best sister I can for him.

I throw on oversized T-Shirt and jeans and call it good. My Nike Cortez's make any outfit good to me anyways. Although my mother would disagree. She always tells me I should dress more like Nancy Wheeler. She's very 'feminine.' I would love to be more like Nancy. But I'm not, I'm me. Though I don't know who that is, most the time.

As I brush my teeth, I take in my appearance. My eyes are a little puffy from oversleeping, and my bright curly hair is still wet from last nights shower. Oh well, I suppose.

"Geez, someone looks like they've spent the night fighting for their life from Vecna." Dustin's voice giggles from the doorway.

"Dustin, I've told you a million times I don't get your D&D jokes. Never have, never will," I pause to spit out toothpaste. "It's too early for your shit, so scram."

Dustin runs off giggling. I sigh before grabbing my hefty backpack and putting it's heavy weight onto my shoulders.

"Mars, I'm sorry for being harsh this morning. I'm just worried for you that's all..." My mom says before sipping from her coffee mug.

"Yeah, I know mom... I get it." She stares at me while I look off into the distance for awhile. Until I finally decide to say goodbye and head off.

"Wait! I actually had a proposal for you, Mars." Mother slowly chases me down as if I had walked far. "If you stay in all your classes all day... you can take the car for the day."

I gaze at her confusingly and ask, "Really? Why? You never let me drive." She grabs my shoulder and smiles. "Because I know I have been so hard on you. You may be the oldest, but you are still just a kid." She tosses the keys into my hands.

"Well thanks mom! It'll be so nice to drive instead of riding my bike!" I exclaim on my way out the door. "Forgetting something?" Dustin says flatly with a hand on his hip.

I look back over at our mother, and she nods, confirming the dork had to come with me. I should've figured this came with a catch.

I roll my eyes and wave him over. As we walk toward the car, our mother shouts at us to be safe. "We will!" I yell back.

I turn on the engine, and smile over at Dustin. "Don't kill me." He straps his seatbelt on and grips his hands onto it. I slip in a Metallica CD, and turn the volume up to 50. I roll down all four windows down and let the wind play with my hair as I sing along to the music.

First period, I have yearbook with Nancy. We've known each-other for a long time because of our brothers; but this class has made us close.

"Hey, Mars." Nancy greets as I pull out the chair next to her. "Hey, Nans." I throw my backpack on the ground as I sit. "I got my moms car for the day! We should get burgers after school or something."

"Oh my gosh, how fun! But I have a way better idea for tonight than burgers." Nancy smiles devilishly. "I'm scared, what are you plotting?" I laugh until our teacher Mr. Walsh steps in the classroom.

Nancy leans over to whisper, "Don't be. It's going to be fun. I haven't been into parties much since Barb... but Steve is throwing one tonight and I could use the night out." I nod as I listen. "Sooo, you in?" She asks impatiently. "I'll consider it."

"Henderson." Mr. Walsh states to get my attention, but it was unexpected and almost makes me jump from my seat. "Sorry, sir." I state quietly.

He nods before looking over at the rest of the class. "Today is club day. On this paper," he begins while pointing to the bulletin board in his hand. "has everyone's assigned clubs for the day. You will take pictures and interview them to get a good quote for the yearbook. And that's class for today! Everyone may check out their clubs."

Everyone else in this class takes it way too seriously. They all rush up so excitedly to see the clubs they got. When everyone has settled and left, that's when Nancy and I walk up to see ours.

'The Hellfire Club' - Marley Henderson

I groan while Nancy laughs at me. "Ugh, don't even laugh at me. I don't wanna hear it." I grab one of the cameras from the basket and try to hurry before I hear any shit from her. "Good luck!" She giggles and can barely get the words out.

I'm not picky or anything. But did I really have the get my brothers dorky club? I couldn't have gotten, I don't know... the hockey team?

I walk into the cafeteria where I see my brother and his friends waiting. I sigh before walking up and saying "I'm your clubs photographer and I don't wanna hear shit about it."

But to no surprise, Dustin begins to laugh which sends them all off. Except for one. I look up at the one member who wasn't laughing with the rest of them, and it wasn't someone I expected to see at all.

He wasn't a freshman like my brother, he looks my age. He had a hard look in his eye, like he had a guarded wall up. His longer hair and tall figure intimidated me, and I gulp as he stands.

"Well, shall we?" He asks. I nod and smack my brother. "Let's go and just shut up already. It's not that funny."

I guide them to the outside bleachers where I take some photos. They all were matching in a white Hellfire Club Tee. "Nice shirts, guys." I joke.

"You get one if you join!" Mike exclaims. "Yeah, I was being sarcastic, Wheeler." I say, which wipes the smile off his face.

A small laugh comes from the older member. I'm not sure how I feel about him.

"Well that should be all. I got plenty of pictures of you dorks." I tell them before I start packing up the camera equipment. My brother and his friends begin to walk off and fight about something stupid like they always do.

"Need help at all?" the older Hellfire member asks, strangely enough with a genuine sweet tone of voice. I chuckle before saying "No, I'm okay."

He smiles and nods, then starts walking down the large bleacher steps. That smile made my stomach turn, and I'm not sure if it was in a good or bad way. I know I'm making a mistake as I'm doing it, but I continue to turn around and tell him to wait up.

His head turns as he waits to hear what I had to say. "Sorry I... just didn't catch your name. I need it for the yearbook." He spins his head back around and mutters, "Eddie Munson."

It was weird to finally put the face of someone people at school talk about all the time. They call him all sorts of crazy things. Maybe it would be in my best interest to stay away from Eddie Munson.

"O-Okay, thanks Eddie." I say shyly. He smiles before finishing walking down the bleachers and either going back to class or from what I heard, going anywhere but class.

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