chapter three

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I open my eyes to the sun blaring into the room, and my head pounding. I cover my eyes and groan in pain. After a moment, I remember last nights events.

'What the fuck...' I think to myself. I remove my hand from my face and look around. Eddie is nowhere to be found. I need to get out of here. My mom is going to kill me.

I slip off Eddie's clothes and pick up Nancy's dress off the ground. The door opens and with my luck, Eddie witnesses my exposed skin. I gasp and try to use the dress to cover as much as I can, but my bust is still visible.

Eddie freezes for a second, with his eyes stuck on me for that moment. A lump grows in my throat and my cheeks heat up. He then conceals his eyes with his hand and backs up. "Fuck, I am so sorry!" He says urgently and slams the door in front of him.

I realize I had been holding my breath, so I finally let it out after he leaves. After last night and now this, I couldn't be more humiliated. I just hope Eddie doesn't tell anyone about everything, and then we can move on. I'll have to avoid him as much as possible.

I quickly slip my dress on, and grab my shoes and purse. I open Eddie's door and walk out with caution. Once I realize no one is in the kitchen or living room, I bolt for the door.

Once I'm outside, I see Eddie with a cigarette in hand, and leaning on the stairs railing. Oh god, this is so awkward. "Hey, Henderson. I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't know you were up yet." He says as he blows out smoke.

"Don't worry about it. I just gotta head home before my mom gets even more mad." I walk past him without looking him in the eye. I pull out the car keys and unlock the drivers side.

"See you 'round?" Eddie asks while inhaling another puff. "See you around, Munson." I say before I hurry into the van and quickly leave the trailer park behind. I take the longer route home so I have more time to think about last night.

I feel shameful for considering how I should avoid him, but I don't want to think about how horrible the night was. And how weird I was thinking. I don't normally catch feelings for people, so it would be best I ignore them and just focus on school.

Once I make it to the house, I park in the driveway and my heart starts to pound. I'm getting more nervous of how my mom is going to react. I open the front door, and there she is waiting on a chair facing me. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"Marley Rae Henderson! Where the hell have you been all night?" She shouts with her eyebrows furrowed and lips curled. My mom is never one to swear, so even hearing her say 'hell' is nerve racking."I'm sorry ma, I spent the night at Nancy's and forgot to call." I lie.

Mother stands up urgently and runs up to my face.
"You'd think if you're going to lie, you'd come up with something better. I already called Karen. You and Nancy were not there!" Yeah, that wasn't my best lie. "I let you have the car, and then you go and do this. How disrespectful of you!" She shouts. And it's well deserved.

From the corner of my eye I see Dustin walk in from the hallway. He watches with a sadden look upon his face. "Hellooo! Marley!" I zone back in from my moms voice. "Sorry, what did you say mom?"

"Are you hungover? You look terrible! I can't believe you were out drinking!" The disappointment in her eyes makes me feel horrible. I really need to clean up my act. I really put myself in danger last night, but I'm not sure if I should tell her what happened.

Nothing I say will make this situation better for me, so I open the purse at my side and hand her the keys. "I'm sorry." I say and begin walking to my room. She grabs my wrist and turns me around. "You're not done here Marley! Now tell me where you were! I was worried sick!"

I sigh and loosen her grip. I turn and go towards my bedroom. "God, Marley! You are grounded! From everything!" I nod and reply, "That's fair." I hear her groan as I'm closing the door behind me.

I jump into my bed and sink my head into a pillow. I wish I was tired so I could just sleep this horrible day away. I hear my door creak open, and I look behind me to find Dustin.

"Hey sis... what happened to you last night?" He asks as he sits on the corner of my bed. "A lot, honestly. But I don't want to talk about it."

He doesn't deserve this attitude, but I'm in too much pain to be nice right now. Not only am I hungover, but I can feel the bruises from that man throwing me on the ground last night.

"I'm sorry, Dustin. I'm not trying to be mean. I just had a rough night." I tuck myself under a blanket from the edge of the bed. "Don't worry about it, though. I'm all good."

"Alright... well there goes not having to bike to school." Dustin gets up and walks to leave the room. "Way to go." I laugh and roll my eyes before telling him to get out. "Dork." I say as he's closing the door.

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