chapter four

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Over the weekend, I spent most of my time cleaning, listening to music, schoolwork and getting the silent treatment from my mom. I didn't leave the house once.

Nancy called a few times, but I haven't felt up to talking. The more I think about that night, the worse I feel. Who knows what that guy wanted to do with me. I'm so grateful Eddie was there to help.

Apart of me doesn't really want to avoid him, he saved my life. But the other part is so embarrassed. It makes me not want to go to school today.

Although, I don't want to, I have to. I'm up on time today. I don't want another wrath from my mom after what I pulled a few days ago. I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror for a few minutes before I decide to try my moms makeup. When Nancy did mine, it made me feel really good about myself.

I use brown eyeshadow, a little black pencil for light eyeliner, pink lip gloss and blush. I put white eyeshadow on the inner corner of my eyes to make me look awake. It's not as good as when Nancy did it, but it was my first real attempt.

I brush through my blonde hair, then I use hairspray to make my big curls have more volume. I practice smile in the mirror. I don't know why I haven't used makeup much before this. I go back to my room and change into a cute outfit to go with my makeup.

Today, I wear a white tee tucked into oversized jeans, a black belt, my Nikes and my jean jacket. I love this jacket because of its Metallica embroidery on the front pocket. I was honestly inspired to wear my old jacket after seeing Eddie wear one Friday night.

I meet Dustin in the living room and ask "Ready?" He nods and throws on his backpack. I turn back to our mother in the kitchen and say "Bye, mom. Have a good day." She looks at me coldly and says "Be home right after school ends. Don't be late."

That was the first thing she said to me in days. I guess it's a start. I give her a thumbs up before walking out the door. Dustin and I hope on our bikes and take a few minutes to ride to Hawkins High.

"How have you been liking high school, Dustin?" I ask while pedaling on my old, beat up, red bicycle. "The guys and I had a hard time the first little while. Until Eddie recruited us in Hellfire." He smiles. "He made school so much better, for all of us."

Without realizing, I'm smiling at hearing about Eddie. "That's sweet." I say. "There you go again. Marley's got a cruuush!" Dustin sings. I roll my eyes and face towards the road again. "Oh, shut up Dustin." He smirks and we continue riding until we reach our school.

I sigh once I see the building. I'm really not looking forward to this today. We park our bikes, and then I notice people looking at me and whispering. Is it the makeup? I don't normally dress up either, is it that?

I shrug it off and give Dustin knuckles before taking our separate ways. People are still watching me, and I start getting a little insecure. Maybe I did a horrible job on my makeup...

"Marley!" I hear Nancy shout behind me. I turn around and wave. She runs and catches up to me. "I've tried contacting you all weekend. What happened to you?" I sigh and we start to continue walking.

"I just had a rough night on Friday. I'm sorry for not answering." I say looking at my feet on the ground. "I heard you had a rough night... are you okay?" I switch my eyes onto Nancy's. "What did you hear?"

"Well, firstly, Eddie came up to me and told me he was taking you home. I thought that was strange. Not only that, but people have been talking about you and Eddie." Nancy pauses. "That's another reason I was trying to call you."

"Wha-" I begin before I'm interrupted by yelling from down the hall. "You're disgusting! This dude right here was taking advantage of drunk girls!" I squint to see what's going on, and I see Jason pointing towards Eddie. What the fuck is this all about?

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