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Got more AU's for you all. I'm still into Encanto phase for some reason.

So. Three of the madrigals have roles of the triplets. What about the grandchildren? They are their ACTUAL children, who appear in my au future au.
"Who has triplets role?"
From the oldest to youngest triple:
Dolores - Julieta
Camilo - Pepa
Mirabel - Bruno.

Dolores, because old concept art, where she was supposed to have Julieta's gift.
Camilo because it fits him from my future au (looking like Pepa, having her personality and etc...)
Mirabel because in the original she was the second black sheep of the family (Bruno being the first black sheep).

(All the credits for the next text goes to Disney. All the text was grabbed from Encanto golden book. The only things I changed are names and etc.)

In a small village deep in the wilderness, an ever-glowing candle shone brightly.
It's magic was so powerful, a place of wonder was born... an Encanto!
The Madrigal family lived there in a home called Casita.

The magic blessed all the Madrigals with special gifts.
Dolores could heal people with food
Carlos has superstrength
Mercedes could make flowers grow
Julianna could communicate with animals.
And Mirabel could see the future. But nobody talked about Mirabel. She had been gone many years.

When Angelina was 5 years old, she got to wear her Special party dress! She and Abuela Alma were so excited to find out what her gift was.
But when Angelina touched the knob of her glowing door...  the magic went away!
She was the only Madrigal without a gift. This made her feel like she wasn't special enough or worthy enough.

One day, when Angelina was fifteen, Casita started to CRACK.
"The house is in danger!" Angelina cried.
Suddenly, she had an idea. If she found the reason for the cracks, she could fix them and prove she was special.

Angelina followed the cracks straight to the magical candle. Her brother Carlos told her that Mirabel left the Encanto because of what she saw in her last vision about the future. Could it have something to do with the cracks.
Angelina was determined to find Mirabel's vision cave.
After climbing endless stairs, she was finally inside her room. There, she found glowing pieces of her broken vision.

Angelina put all the pieces of Mirabel's vision together. The puzzle revealed a destroyed Casita, and in the middle was Angelina!
Meanwhile more cracks started to ripple through the house. Angelina was running out of time!
She discovered a secret passageaway inside the walls. And there she found... Mirabel! She had been living there the whole while.

Angelina asked Mirabel to look into the future. She believed it would help stop the cracks and restore Casita's magic!
Holding hands, they saw a doomed Casita, the family pursued by dark cracks, and Mirabel standing amidst the house.
Then... a glowing figure... it was Mercedes!
Embrace her and you will see the way; said Mirabel.

Angelina thought Mercedes was annoying perfect. But Mercedes told her that she always felt she could never be perfect enough for Abuela.
Just then, the candle's light glowed brighter.
Abuela Alma was angry at all that Angelina had been disrupting. She told Angelina that the magic had started dying the day she didn't get a gift.
Angelina had a revelation. The magic was dying because no one in the family was ever good enough for Abuela Alma!

Giant cracks appeared everywhere. The candle was almost completely melted away. The family members raced to save the candle, but their powers were fading. In it's last effort, Casita got Angelina to safety. Then.... Poooooof...
The candle went out. All the magic of Casita was gone.
Casita had crumbled into a pile of rubble and dust. The entire Encanto shook. Everything was in chaos.
Feeling defeat, Angelina ran away...

Angelina wandered past the mountains. At a nearby riverbank, Abuela found her. It was the same place where Encanto was born and Abuelo Pedro, Abuela's husband, was lost.
Abuela told Angelina about that night long ago, how she had prayed for a miracle. The candle's bright light pushed back the bad men, protecting her and her triplets.
Losing Abuelo broke something inside Abuela that no magic flame could ever repair.
Since that day,Abuela felt that if the family was strong enough and worked hard enough, she could protect them. But now she realised her broken heart had made her live in fear

"We were given a miracle because of you," Angelina told Abuela. This made Abuela feel better. "Mi Vida... You Are The Miracle", she told her granddaughter.
Mirabel arrived at the river. Abuela hugged her. "I feel like I missed something important" she said "come on," Angelina said, and the three of them headed her.
Nobody could believe what they saw; Abuela, proudly walking alongside Angelina and Mirabel! Everyone realised what made them truly special wasn't their powers, it was their family bond-their love for one another.

They all worked together to rebuilt Casita. There was just one last piece of the house left: the doorknob. As Angelina placed it in the house... WHOOSH!
Casita came back to life, and the Encanto's magic was restored. The family's gifts worked again!
And at last, Angelina felt her own worth and her family's love...

The end! :D. Whoo

First grandchild - Mercedes Madrigal, the oldest daughter of Dolores Madrigal. Mercedes Madrigal has auburn long straight hair, honey skin colour and she has brown eyes. She wears a purple long dress with perfect flowers on it. Her gift is to grow beautiful flowers.
Second grandchild - Beatrice Madrigal, the oldest daughter of Camilo Madrigal, is on some weeks younger than her cousin Mercedes Madrigal. Beatrice Madrigal has dark auburn curly hair, honey skin colour, freckles on her face and she has blue eyes. She wears a white with a combination of yellow shirt, a one red skirt with yellow streaks. She also wear a big red bow on her head.
Third grandchild - Carlos Madrigal, the middle son of Dolores Madrigal, is on 3 years younger than his oldest sister Mercedes Madrigal. Carlos Madrigal has black curly hair, dark-brown skin colour, freckles on his face and brown eyes. He wears a white long-sleeved shirt and a dark blue pants with dark purple at the bottom. He also has felt bracelets: on the left, red and denim and on the right, red denim and yellow
Fourth grandchild - Sofia Madrigal is the middle daughter of Camilo Madrigal, is on 7 years younger than her oldest sister Beatrice Madrigal. She has brown curly hair, light brown skin colour and green eyes. She wears a short orange poncho with a chameleons on it, she wears a middle long black skirt, under shirt poncho she wears a long-sleeved shirt. She also wears a chameleon golden earrings.
Fifth grandchild - Angelina Madrifal is the youngest daughter of Dolores Madrigal, is younger than Mercedes on 7 years, younger than Carlos on 4 years and on some months is younger than Sofia Madrigal. She has black middle long curly hair, brown skin colour and brown eyes. She wears black glasses. She wears a white short-sleeved shirt and a long cyan skirt with a different embroidery's on it. She wears a bag with her name on it.
Sixth grandchild - Juliana Madrigal is the youngest daughter of Camilo Madrigal, is on 17 years younger than Beatrice Madrigal and on 10 years younger than Sofia Madrigal. She had dark-auburn hair, dark-brown skin colour and green eyes. She wears a light-yellow long-sleeved short with a different animals on it. Her long dark-orange skirt also has different animals on it.


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