The Gibbs-Fornell Family Part 2

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The images in order are Kelly Gibbs, Emily Fornell, Jethro Gibbs, Mason Fornell, AJ Gibbs-Fornell and Alisa Gibbs-Fornell.

POV: Mason Fornell

Once I get out of my last class I look at my phone. My baby sister was in the hospital. I meet up with my other siblings and then we go to Emilys car. We then drive to Papas work.

Once we get there we see Papa leaving. He must have a case. We then go up to where he works. When we get there we see Dad holding Alisa. We all ran off to him and Alisa.

Dad, is Alisa okay? asked Emily and me

Yes, She had a panic attack mixed with the flu. Also she has Asthma. said Dad

Ehi sorella, mi vuoi?(Hey sis, do you want me?) asked AJ

AJ, tienimi.(AJ hold me) said Alisa

Children, what did she say? asked Dad

She want AJ, Papa. said Kelly

Okay, Dad. said Dad, as he gave Alisa to AJ.

Once Alisa is with her brother she falls asleep, at that point, Vance comes down and Papa comes back with his team. That is when the questions started, Dad and Papa gave up and finally told their teams and Vance. Dads Boss already knew about us so he just sat there.

POV: Leon Vance

All of Gibbs team is up-stairs and Fornells team and Boss are here too. I go down to Gibbs teams spot, once I get there I see a group of kids around Fornell.

Agent Fornell, who are all these kids. I only know Kelly Gibbs and Emily Fornell. said

Why are there so many kids here? asked Bishop

What are they doing here? asked McGee, as the youngest one wakes up and goes to sit on Fornells boss lap. The one that she was sitting before got up and got a blanket out of a backpack and then put on the youngest one. He was sat on the ground by Fornells Boss.

Well you guys all know Kelly Gibbs, my daughter and Emily Fornell, Fornells daughter. said Gibbs, after a bit, then he points to Kelly and Emily.

Yes, said Bishop, McGee and me.

Well that one right there, the boy with the Brown hair is Gibbs son and Kellys half-brother Jethro Gibbs. The boy beside him with Blonde hair is my son and Emilys half-brother Mason Fornell. Kelly and Emily are 18 and the boys are 16. said Fornell

The boy on the ground, with Brown hair, by Fornells Boss is Andrew Joseph Gibbs-Fornell or AJ. He is also 16 and the little sleeping girl, with Light Blonde hair is Alisa Jennifer Gibbs-Fornell. She is 2. AJ and Alisa are biological siblings. said Gibbs

Wait, why do AJ and Alisa have both of your guys' last names? I asked

They are both of their children. said Agent Sacks

Why would you share kids together, you two dont like each other that much? asked McGee

They are married. said Fornells Boss Hutchins

Since when? asked Bishop

Since, what a 2 years. said Fornell and Gibbs

Yes Dad and Papa. said Kelly, Jethro, Emily and Mason at the same time

That was one of the best days of mine and Baby AJ life. said AJ

Why was it one of the best days of your and Baby AJ lives? asked DiNozzo

One dont call Alisa that, two only I can call her that, three because that was the day that Papa and Papi saved us from living on the streets. All because our parents kicked us out when Baby AJ got sick and they didnt want to take her to the hospital. said AJ

Wow, so you two got married two years ago and no one knew? I asked

No people knew, Like Agent Balboa, Abby, Ducky, Ron Sacks, Agent Tess Monroe, Trent Kort, Jackson Gibbs, Diane Sterling, and my Boss Hutchins. said Fornell

I heard my name, did you guys finally tell them? asked Agent Balboa

Yes, also Alisa Has Asthma. said Gibbs

My Little Alisa has Asthma, poor princess. said Agent Balboa

Fornell, Baby Alisa woke up. said Hutchins

Hey Grandpa Barry. said Alisa

Hey Baby Alisa. said Hutchins

So what do all your kids call you guys and the others? asked Bishop

Well Kelly and I call Gibbs Dad and Tobias Papa. said Jethro

Emily and I call Tobias Dad and Gibbs Papa. said Mason

Alisa and I call Gibbs Papi and Tobias Papa. said AJ

Alisa calls Abby Sciuto, Abby, Abby. The rest of us call her Aunt Abby. Agent Balboa is Uncle Balboa, Ducky is Uncle Ducky, Ron Sacks is Uncle Ron, Barry Hutchins is Grandpa Barry. Jackson Gibbs, is Grandpa Jackson and Diane Sterling, is Aunt Diane, to all of but Emily, she calls her Mom. Agent Tess Monroe, Aunt Tess or Aunt Tessa and Trent Kort is Uncle Trent. said Kelly as she counts on her fingers and points to the people that are here and says their names.

Wait did you say Trent Kort? DiNozzo

Yes, he was helping out on a case when our children, all but Alisa, got in trouble at school. Ijsut happened to have my phone on speaker when the principal was calling me. He has known ever since that time. When he helps us with cases he always asks how the children are doing. Gives them gifts and comes over for dinner sometimes. said Fornell

He tried to kill me. said DiNozzo

You deserved that. said Kort

Why did he deserve it? asked McGee

One he almost ran and knocked down Princess Alisa and two I dont remember, but that one was where I put a bomb under your car. The one where you almost knocked down My Princess Alisa, was when I was going to shoot an arrow in your path. said Kort

See over protective. said Fornell

Okay know that we know how overprotective your family is. What do you kids call each other? Also what do your Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents call you guys? asked Bishop

Alisa calls us Kell, Em, J, Mas, and AJ. Uncle Balboa calls her My Little Alisa, Uncle Trent calls her Princess Alisa or My Princess Alisa, Aunt Abby calls her Baby Gibbs-Fornell, Uncle Ducky calls her Princess, Uncle Ron calls her Little Princess, Aunt Diane calls her Princess Sweetie, and Aunt Tess calls her Jennifer. Grandpa Barry calls her Baby Alisa and Grandpa Jackson calls her, his Baby Girl. Papi calls her My Little Angel and Papa calls her My Little Princess. I call her Baby AJ, Kelly and Emily calls her either Alisa Jennifer or Alisa. Mason calls her Baby A and Jethro calls her Baby J. said AJ

I get called Kelly, Kells, Kell or K. said Kelly

I get called Emily, Em, Ems, or E. said Emily

I get called Mason, Mas, Masy, or M. said Mason

I get called Jethro, J, Baby Jethro, or Jet. said Jethro

I get called Andrew Joseph, AJ, Older A, Older J, Andrew, Drew, Andy, Big AJ, or Joe but mostly I get called AJ. Alisa is the only one that calls me Big AJ. said AJ.

Alright now that you guys know our children and that we are married. We might as well tell you guys that Leroy and I have both of our last names. Im Tobias Gibbs-Fornell and Gibbs is Leroy Jethro Gibbs-Fornell. said Fornell

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