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"I can't explain go into detail, I'm bad at telling her story anyways, and she likes to tell it, but-"

"Bucky," Steve interjected "It's fine. Just drive, and you can explain what you can along the way."

"Okay. I-okay. Just don't pay attention to what she says when you meet her. Shes-shes annoying, really."

"How old is she?"

"Fourteen. Fifteen. We don't know"

"And why are we rushing hurriedly to an orphanage?"

Bucky sighed "I had her on a kind of probation, to determine if I wanted to adopt her or not, and today is the last day. I have to decide."

"And do you want to adopt her?"

"Yeah, shes a great kid, I just wasn't sure how you felt about children now, and Tony says no pets...."

"Bucky. Children aren't pets. You can bring them into the tower."

"Oh. You should meet her first, but...."

"No if she your is she your sister?"

Bucky rubbed his eyes with his right hand. His left one was covered with a leather jacket and glove "Thats part of her story. You'll see. We're here"

They stepped out of the car, into modern Brooklyn. Steve stopped short. This was their old apartment building, they had lived here together, back in the 40's. "Bucky,"

"Yeah. I know. I had trouble going inside the first time." Bucky stepped around him, distracted. "C'mon."

They walked up the steps, and once they got inside, up the familiar stairs, to the fourth floor. Once they entered the hall, chaos ensued. There was yelling, hitting, everything. "There!" shouted Bucky over the noise "The girl with the purple hair!"

Steve looked for a second, not seeing anything. Until he spotted a girl, sitting in the corner, scribbling on a piece of paper. She was hard to miss, her hair was varying shades of purple, and there was a bubble of space around her where children weren't playing. She looked dangerous.

"I know, and she is," Bucky said, deflating.

"Crap, Buck, did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah. It's okay, let me introduce you." Bucky whistled, and the girls head jerked up. her reaction was almost military, snapping to attention. She found Bucky, and smiled, nodding her head to a door, and she begins to walk towards it.

"C'mon, we'll meet her in there. And cover your butt, its Slap-Ass Friday."

"Slap-Ass....?" Steve asked, as he saw a teenage girl get slapped by a younger boy. She turned around, snarling, and grabbed him by his collar, shaking him. Steve hurried to catch up with Bucky.

The girl walked into the room, and suddenly a stream of children walked out. An older girl, who was carrying a toddler, stopped them when they reached the threshold. "Watch her with the baby" she said, her eyes grave, making her look older than she should.

Bucky sighed. "Do you want me to bring him to you?"

She jutted her chin towards Steve "He can. You talk to her."

Bucky walked into the room, motioning for Steve to follow. The room was long, with beds lining the wall, and with a couple of cribs closer to the door. In one was a young baby boy. "Take him out to Emille," muttered Bucky "I'm gonna talk to her." He motioned to the girl, who was curled up with her knees to her face, on the bed furthest from the cribs.

As Steve walked out with the baby, she immediately relaxed. "Holy crap! Thats Captain Rogers! Captain America! Steve! Your weird adorable best-friend-crush-thing!"

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