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"Alright. So. This is a new thing, I know." Natasha started. "In short, its completely normal for guys to like guys, girls to like girls, people to like both, people to like neither, and for people to be assigned a different gender at birth than that of who they really are."

Dawn and Natasha studied him, waiting for a reaction. "Of course, some people don't think that it is 'okay' or think its like, sinful, or something, to be a homosexual. It's not." Dawn finished.

"Okay. I think I get it. Kinda." Steve said slowly.

"You may want to do reaserch, were not very good sources of information. We didn't grow up with it or anything," Natasha said kindly.


"Dawn was born at the same time as you, and I was born in Russia, which is so anti-gay it hurts. So no. Which reminds me, Dawn."


"Do we need to give Bucky the same lesson?" Natasha asked curiously.

"Oh, trust me, Bucky knows." Dawn looked at Steve, who nodded.

"I have to go wake up Clint," Said Natasha

Dawn and Steve sat in a comfortable silence until Bucky stumbled out of Steve's room, looking fairly rested.

Steve blushed a little, and focused on his pancakes when he saw that Bucky was lacking a shirt. Dawn grinned, and grabbed the one she had brought for Bucky from under the table, throwing it at him.

Bucky caught it, and pulled it on as he walked to the table, helping himself to pancakes. "You get any more sleep, Dawn?"

"Nope! I was still hyped up on sugar, and I figured you would wake Steve up eventually. I was already dressed when he came to get me."

"Already dressed and jumping on the bed," Steve said, pretending to be annoyed.

"I was not! I was, um, playing jump rope."

"On the bed," Steve confirmed. Dawn rolled her eyes. "Sure," she amended.

Bucky looked between Steve and Dawn "Since when are you two best friends?"

"Since seven o'clock," Said Dawn, and she slapped Bucky's hands he reached for some pancakes.

"What the heck?" he asked "I'm hungry!"

"Stark want's to run some tests on you. And your arm and stuff."

"What about you?"

"I did that already," Dawn said, sticking her tongue out.

"So what are you gonna today?"

"I don't know. I don't feel like going anywhere, so I might just mess around in my room,"

Steve had an idea "Do you want my help decorating it?" He asked, and Dawn nodded vigorously. "And then we can do Bucky's room!"

"No, you can't," Bucky said, looking down at Dawn, "I like it just the way it is,"

But Dawn was already up, and running down the hall. Steve smiled at Bucky, and clapped him on the shoulder. "I'll try to keep her from causing too much damage," he said, smiling slightly.

Bucky ducked his head and grinned. "Whatever, punk."

"Jerk," Steve called over his shoulder as he walked down the hall, following Dawn. Bucky rolled his eyes, and started towards the lab.

"So, what exactly are you thinking?" Steve asked, looking around Dawn's bare room.

"I want to do a few tributes to the Avenger's, S.H.I.E.L.D., a couple of TV shows I watch, and at the same time make it look kinda retro. I don't think it's possible, though."

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