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As soon Steve jumped down from the Jet, Bucky started fidgeting. "Hey. it'll be okay. Steve's not stupid." Dawn said, resting her hand on Bucky's shoulder.

" I know. He's just a punk, he feels invincible. I worry."

"You sound exactly like a concerned boyfriend. Put your comms in."

"Yes'm," Bucky said, and he placed the comm in his ear, listening to Steve direct orders.

Dawn covered the microphone "Get the First Aid station ready. This seems serious." She warned, and looked back out, watching the fight from above. "We have another target. Seems friendly," she said as a man in a red and blue spandex costume raced onto the scene, swinging on-

"Are those spider webs?" Bucky asked, looking out the window.

"Seems like it Buck. There all over his suit too," Steve answered through the comms, and Bucky blushed a little.

Dawn and Bucky watched from above, and after a little while, Bucky took of his comm, overwhelmed by the sounds of the fight. "Just a little PTSD," He said, brushing off Dawn's concern, and putting on a set of headphones. He took them off a little later, when he heard Dawn yelling, "Five more. I repeat, five more have reached the scene. All civilians have been evacuated the next 12 blocks out, but watch for stragglers."

Bucky rushed to the window, to see the man with the octopus-like metal arms lying almost catatonic on the ground, with five more men rushing towards the Avengers and the new ally "That's Spiderman," Dawn informed him, as she made sure none of the Avengers were injured. The five new men stood in a line. One was partially sand, another with electricity pulsing from his hands and arms. A man dressed in furs had two lions standing next to him, and on his other side was a man wearing what looked like a fishbowl on his head. A bald man with feathers on his arms, resembling wings, made the first move. He went straight for Black Widow, but Hawkeye shot one of his 'wings' before he got close. As every one retaliated, Bucky found his eyes fixed one Steve, graciously racing from one criminal to another, hitting, kicking, before handing them off to another Avenger. Then he came upon the man with the lions.

He hesitated. Steve had always liked animals, and he didn't want to hurt them. The lions threw him off, he didn't want to believe they were going to hurt him. And then they attacked him.

Both jumped at him at the same time, and Bucky nearly screamed. One went after Steve's left shoulder, and other bit his leg. Spiderman jumped on them and chased them off, and Dawn could hear Steve's pain filled moan through the comms. "I'm sending Bucky down to grab Cap for medical attention." she said into her comm, and motioned for Bucky to get a stretcher ready. She lowered down the platform carrying Buck and the stretcher, and watched as Bucky punched the sandy guy out of the way with his metal arm, and as Black Widow helped him get Steve on the stretcher. Bucky kept his calm, until Steve was in the ship and Bucky actually looked at him.

"Oh god. Steve. Oh-oh god. Dawn. Help. Oh god."

"Okay, back up. I'll do most of the work, don't worry." Dawn spent about fifteen minutes cutting of parts of Steve uniform and cleaning, sewing and dressing his wounds, and she talked the whole time. She mostly talked to calm Bucky and Steve, who slowly became more conscious as she gave him more pain meds. Eventually she finished up, leaving Bucky and Steve down in the medical ward, to make sure nobody else would need medical attention once the fight ended.

Steve, next to high on pain medications, grinned at Bucky lazily. "Heeeyy Buccckkkyyy,"

Bucky couldn't help but rub Steve's head. "Hey Stevie. You feeling okay?"

"Mmmmhhhmmm....Ya know what Bucky?"

"What Steve?"

"I love yyyyou,"

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