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Dawn rushed out to Bucky and Natasha arguing in German this time, usually they stick to English and Russian. She interrupts immediately. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Bucky stops and stares at her with utmost confusion. "Huh?"

"The nightmares. Why didn't you tell me?"

She can see Bucky  slouch, completely deflate "I-I don't know. How'd you find out?"

"Steve. Recorded you sleep talking, had me translate it into English. And I came up with  some bitterly sad shit."

Steve looked over the paper. Bucky still had nightmares. Bad ones, about being taken back by HYDRA, being forced to kill his friends. Steve wasn't surprised, he still had nightmares about....everything really. The war, being frozen again, his friends dying, and, every once in a while, the serum wearing off. That one was the worse, it terrified him. It had been bad when he was younger, but nobody had ever known different. The idea that he would have to leave, he would become something much worse. Most likely, he would die.

He hates the idea that he even had these nightmares, much less that they were worse than his others. he cleared the idea from his head, and walked out, to help calm Dawn down. He could hear her yelling already.

"Dawn. Its fine. Stop. I know I'm dreaming, when I'm dreaming."

"I wasn't only talking about the nightmare. There was also so much whining about what's-is-face that I almost puked. get your crap together."

Bucky turned bright red. "I can't believe you. You are capable of so many kinds of evil, i can't believe you're not running HYDRA."

Dawn grinned, calming down. "Whatever" she said, and she plopped down next to Bucky and Natasha. "What were you guys talking about, before I so rudely barged in?"


Dawn covered her eyes, groaning. "Why do you torture me with this?"

"Well, from what I heard, he seemed pretty interested in you!" Bucky said intently, resembling everything an older brother should, only slightly more terrifying.

"Oh, he was!," Natasha said, much too happy to provide more information. "He bought her something!"

"Oh, did he?" Bucky said harshly, raising his eyebrows.

"Wat'd he get you?" asked Steve, walking out, trying to look nonchalant, but at the same time looking pained.

"Nothing. Something Stupid. It no big deal, I'll probably return it."

"Only because you would get to see him again!"

"What, did he work there or something?" Steve asked for Bucky, who looked furious beyond words.

"No, definitely not. Um. His brother did. And. He got to hang out behind the counter, so he bought me this hat-"

"Don't forget the necklace!" Chimed in Clint, who was sharing a loveseat with Natasha, and polishing his arrows.

"Oh god, the necklace. He bought me this hat and necklace at a discount, and the gave me his number, and that was it."

"And?" Bucky finally spoke, still red.

"And what? I kept it. It's in the bag. I was gonna show you guys the clothes and stuff anyways. Bucky's so good at clothing advice," Dawn said, causing Steve to come to the realization that she would do anything to torture Bucky. Or get revenge.

She started pulling clothes out of three bags, one from Hot Topic, Forever 21, and Zumiez.

"Wow," Steve said "Who payed for all of that?"

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