1- Go.

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"Anna, Anna, Anna!" Ella ran down the stairs. She was in her pyjamas, AKA her t-shirt she put on when she got home, along with sweats which I think were mine.

"What?" I turned the stool to face her. She sounded like the house had caught on fire or something.

"Dancing with the Stars is on! C'mon!" She waited at the endow the staircase.

"I'm not in the mood, actually." I turned back around.

"Are you serious? It's our thing." She pouted.

"What do you mean it's our thing?" I laughed.

"Well we've watched it every week in the upstairs lounge for the past month."

"Well, I wasn't busy the last few Mondays." She gave in, walking towards the kitchen, and looked at what I was doing on my laptop. I had iBook creator open to a page with names on it.

"What is that?" She saw my writing as she leaned on the kitchen island.

"You know how I've always wanted to write a book. Not a book that was written and you hear about it once twice. But a book that is so intense, you have to stop everything you're doing just to read it?" I sounded like I was a narrator at the beginning of Nanny McPhee.

"Yea. I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"Why not?"

"Because you have all these dreams and make plans to do them, but you don't." I thought about everything I've told her I've wanted to do. There were actually lots of things I'd told myself that I would do. Things I thought of as my career.

Ella was now sitting on the bar stool next to the right of me, picking an apple out of the fruit bowl. She took a bite out of the apple and tried to speak, mouth full. "So what is it about." She chewed it loudly, peeling off the sticker.

"It's a draft, but it's about a girl who beats stereotypes. Like the whole #feiminism2k15 thing going on. I feel like tumblr empowered me to do something big with it. I'm not sure what, yet." I motioned to all the crumpled up papers on the counter and in the bin.

"Why don't you write fan fiction." She took another bite, smiling.

"Don't you think that's a little...you know...for 15 year olds." I wasn't very open to that idea.

"No. I write it all the time." She really let out her Northern accent when she spoke. She also seemed very determined to get me into this idea of hers.

"I didn't know that." I sat up, blowing my bangs out of my face.

"Well there's billions of things you don't know about me. The things i choose to tell you are just the most important."

"Like what?"

"Like I've gone skydiving. And I don't want to go to University, but don't tell my mom."

I stared at her for a few seconds. "What were we talking about?" I lost my train of thought.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "You're attention span is this big, Anna." She spread her fingers out the size of an eraser at the end of a pencil. "Anyways, we were talking about you writing fan fiction to get your story started.

"But I want my story to be big. What 20-something year old is going to read fan fiction?"

"Lots!" She defended her own writing. "50 Shades of Grey was a fic."

"Not a very good 'fic'." I mocked her slang.

"But still. Once you get started, you'll love doing it. What's something you're really into? Oh! And there is that new book. The one about that girl who proves to the guy that fan fiction is real writing."

"Did she win that bet?"

"I don't know. I've never read it. But it's supposed to be good, so she probably wins." I remember seeing that book at Barnes and Nobles, but I never picked it up. I was a frequent reader, but it never caught my eye.

"I don't really have anything that i'm super into." I pointed out. But it couldn't be that hard if so many people were doing it. especially teenagers who got them published.

"Well at least put it on Wattpad. So people can tell you if it's good or not."

"Sure. Ok. How- how do I do that?"

"Here." She turned the computer towards her and went to the website. We made an account, blah blah blah.

"Ok, there are some rules." She acted like a teacher, with her apple in her hand and her reading classes at the tip of her nose.

"To writing?"

"Yea. Like don't use product placement. Some companies don't like that. Also, don't title it "The 'blank' Fic." Unless you want there to be lots of smut and violence in it. You're a 'first timer' so I don't recommend it." She shook her head.

"Ella..." I paused, my eyebrows stitched together. "What are you writing about?" I was honestly concerned at her knowledge of all this, considering she is a 22 year old woman with a job and everything. She just rolled her eyes again.

"I still don't have any idea how to start it." I ran my fingers over the keyboard, hoping my fingers would just begin typing something. Anything.

She thought before speaking. Like she was planning a speech. Ella had the enthusiasm of an "Let's go out."

"What? Ella, it's already 8:15."

"Maybe you'll get some inspirations form couples out late at Starbucks."

"I don't know."

"C'mon. You may miss out on the love story of the century." She waited for my reply. All I did was think about how much of a commitment I was making to this. This little story. I spun my pen around my finger and took a deep breath.


"Wait, actually?" She once again stared in disbelief.

"Yes." I said in a giggly, enthusiastic way, nodding for seconds.

"Oh my god, ok so we can bring cameras and notepads and recorders! Oh! Let me change first! She started running up the stairs.

"Ella! Hey!"

She turned around, frozen, a grin glued upon her face. "What?"

"Tone it down. We'll bring my laptop, and phones. That's all we need." I used slight hand motions, calming her down.

"Sorry, ok. I'm still going to change."

"Ok, you do that. 10 minutes. Go."

Hi! So I am officially writing my second fanfic, and it is going to be better than that first trash of a fic I wrote a few months ago.

This chapter was kind of an intro chapter so it's kind of boring, but it's going to get good, I promise.

I've actually been writing this for a few weeks and I think it's going to be really good. Anyways thanks to Dominique (@Danisontnonfire on tumblr) for making the cover, again!

So comment and vote, I want to know if I should keep posting, or scrap it.

Xx, Alyssa

I am @phandomfreek on Tumblr if you'd like to know where you can contact me.

Too Far (A Dan Howell Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now