Diary 2 - You Noticed Me

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Diary 2 - You Noticed Me

You know the popular guy I mentioned? Well now I have to tutor him! >< -Shadow

Kuroko had instantly started blogging after that event. It was now after school and she was busying with her usual routine.

One she kept secret from everyone.

Waaaah?! No way! -Cute Copycat

You were noticed enough to be asked for such a task? -Lucky Rabbit

Yes! I was shocked too, he came right up to me but he was um, blushing? Maybe he was embarrassed to be talking with me.... -Shadow

Kuroko brought the bowl over to the outside hose they used for gardening. She filled the small drinking bowl up to the brim and rolled the bag of food and toys up to her elbow as she waited.

I doubt that. He would be an idiot if he was. -Tiger Light

She smiled and put her phone away as she finished up with the water. The light bluenette carefully carried the small bowl to her destination - which was past the track field where the old storage building was that the football and track teams use to use before they built a new one.

"Nigou!" she called out, and heard a happy yelp sound inside the building before a furry black-and-white head popped out from the cracked door.

Kuroko smiled when the husky puppy came bounding out to happily greet her with bright blue eyes and wagging curly tail. It was the same puppy she had saved at the start of the school year. After she had left the hospital, it was almost like the pup had been waiting for her.

Before, animals had treated her in the same way people did. But not this one, the little look-alike was different and his cute face always warmed her heart. He followed her around constantly, but she wasn't able to take care of him at home so she made a place for him here...

She knew it wasn't right to go against school rules like this, but she couldn't just abandon the little guy...

A happy bark brought her back to reality and she smiled at her pet. "Here you are, Nigou." She gave him fresh water, and he happily lapped it up. She scratched behind his ears as he did and his tail remained wagging.

It was so cute.

"I managed to save up enough to get those chew toys you like." Kuroko continued talking with her animal friend as she took out the bone and multiple chew toys. She didn't get the ones that made noise, since she was always afraid of someone finding the little guy and taking him away...

She started giving the pudgy pup a bowl of food to tide him over until the next morning when she would be able to feed him again - Kuroko always managed to get to school early so she could see the puppy before classes started.

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