Diary 5 - Wanting To Run Away

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Diary 5 - Wanting To Run Away

Maybe I'll be able to live in the sun after all...

Kuroko wandered through the halls until she went out once more. Her tutoring sessions with Kagami were going good and they both seemed to be learning and helping each other just as their homeroom teacher said.

She went to give water and food to Nigou like usual, thankful that neither one of them got sick from the rainstorm. She smiled at the puppy and pet around his ears just as she heard someone running closer to them.

Curious, she looked and saw it was Kagami and her heart beat faster.

"Kagami-kun?" She stood up as he stopped, catching his breath.

"Hey!" he greeted, grinning at her and she smiled and ducked her head. "What's the matter?" he asked, tilting his head and running a hand through his spiky hair.

"Kagami-kun is too handsome. Especially when he smiles..." She said that last part more to herself and he flushed but grinned wider, rubbing a finger under his nose.

"Huh, you really think so?"

Kuroko just nodded, peeking up at him. He was just about to say something when Nigou suddenly barked cutely and ran toward him with a wagging tail.

The light bluenette watched as the brute yelped and ran away from the puppy, and Nigou stopped in his tracks, whining softly.

Kuroko blinked, "Kagami-kun, Nigou wishes to lick you for helping him the other day."

"O-Oh..." Kagami came out from behind a nearby tree, but he still looked wary, and he jumped when Nigou barked at him again.

Kuroko tilted her head slightly. "Kagami-kun... Are you afraid of dogs?" She had had a sneaking suspicion, but when Kagami had braved a storm to help her find him she figured he had gotten over it.

"W-Well..." he stuttered, looking away, embarrassment clearly written on his face. "When I was little, I was attacked by a group of big dogs. I had to go to the hospital... and ever since, I've just been afraid of'em." He shrugged, scratching the back of his head.

Kuroko's face fell, she had no idea. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to remind you of such a painful time." She called for Nigou to come to her then, fully prepared to try and hide him from Kagami's view at least.

"Oh no, it's fine." Kagami stopped her, and she looked back at him. "The little one is okay, besides..." Kagami looked fondly and bemusedly between the puppy's eyes and hers. "You both have the same eyes, it's funny and cute."

Kuroko blushed. "Kagami-kun is so bold."

He chuckled, and moved closer then to sit with her. They both watched as Nigou chased after a butterfly among the wildflowers growing in front of the storage building.

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