Diary 4 - I Like You

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Diary 4 - I Like You

The sun never seemed brighter then, shining down on them and basking them both in a warmth as both hearts pounded awayin their chests and ears.

"What...?" Kuroko was shocked as wide light blue eyes stared at the boy who had stepped slightly away from her. Kagami-kun likes... me? But... He just can't resist helping a poor girl like this. "You're lying."

"I'm not!" Kagami instantly defended, surprising Kuroko.

"But there's no reason for someone like Kagami-kun to like someone like me — I'm plain and quiet... there's nothing good about m—"

"There is! I've seen it!" Kagami interrupted and Kuroko looked at him once more to see his serious expression. "Ever since school started... I've noticed you." His red eyes seemed to burn into her with their flare of emotion. "Do you think... you could feel the same about me?"

Kuroko's breath caught and they both heard the sound of the bell.

"Oh! I've got to get back... see you in class?" His blushing expression was hopeful and she dumbly nodded, too taken aback to talk.

The light bluenette watched him go until his form faded away in the distance. She fell to her knees slowly, unsteadily so. Did that just..?

Kagami-kun really likes me? She thought as Nigou came running up to her.

He barked and whined as if concerned and she picked him up to hold him close, still staring off in Kagami's direction.

Is this... a dream?

Kuroko walked to class in a daze and could hear her classmates talking as she entered the room.

"What's your second period?"

"Did you do the homework?"

"Kagami, where were you first period?" Yuki asked him as curious girls stood around him.

"I was worried!"

"Don't cut class by yourself — take me with you!"

"The teacher was mad!"

Kagami was looking apologetic but then when he saw Kuroko, his face turned red and he started scratching at his head.

"What's the matter, Kagami-kun?"

"You're acting weird!"

None of them saw her like Kagami did.

It's hard to believe that someone as popular as Kagami-kun could like me.

When she got some time to herself, she blogged.

I'm in shock (°__°;)

You guys were right... The really popular boy just told me he likes me...!

What should I do...?


She rested against the staircase in the school at the top.It was just turning lunch time and she was still in disbelief about the whole issue. She could hear students talking below but paid no mind to it.

Whoa! You go Shadow-chan!! -Cute Copycat

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