Diary 3 - Stepping Out Can Be Scary

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Diary 3 - Stepping Out Can Be Scary

"I've been watching you... for a long time."

Kuroko stared wide-eyed as Kagami sat with her now - how they got to sitting on the floor she didn't know. Kuroko still sniffed and Kagami just kept staring at her, his face flushed as red as his hair.

He started scratching at his head again. "Uh, sorry... Guess that wasn't really the best time to tell you, uh..." He looked away, suddenly becoming flustered.

Kuroko looked down then, and brought a hand up to rub at her watery eyes. She couldn't believe she was actually crying - and in front of Kagami!

"But, I really wanted you to know so..." Kagami offered Kuroko a towel that had his initials on it - a gift from Kise because the model liked spoiling the team.

"Oh, th-thank you." Kuroko murmured, and wiped at her face. She couldn't do anything about her red, puffy eyes so she just made herself look as presentable as she possibly could.

"No problem." Kagami smiled and offered a hand to help her up.

They walked out together and Kuroko hadn't realized it was already dark - she was glad she had already seen Nigou earlier and taken care of him.

"It's late, should I walk you home?" Kagami rumbled beside her, and she looked at him, surprised and still using the towel he gave her.

Perhaps Kagami was more of a gentleman than she originally thought. But this was something that she grew flustered over.

"I don't want to trouble you..." she trailed off, looking away.

Kagami scoffed, shrugging and wearing a grin. "Hey, I did offer. It's no problem. So?" He gestured for the street that would lead away from the school.

Kuroko decided to take him up on his offer, although incredibly awkward and nervous, she nodded her head and began the path to her house.

Along the way, to help make things less awkward, Kuroko asked him how he was doing with basketball club and that got the ace to talking enthusiastically. The light blunette was content with smiling to herself and listening to Kagami talk about the club. She could tell easily how much he loved it, how much of his entire being was into basketball and she admired that.

During the walk she admitted to playing basketball a bit in elementary but after being forgotten so much during practice, she decided not to play it. Kagami had frowned and looked particularly upset at that, grumbling something about how he would have played with her and not forgotten about her. She laughed quietly, and their moods turned higher.

"Well thank you for walking me, Kagami-kun." Kuroko told him as they stopped at her house.

"Yeah, no problem." He smiled easily, awkwardly shifting his feet. "I guess I'll... see you tomorrow?"

He looked hopeful, and Kuroko nodded with a small smile. "Yes, please be careful on your way home. And... thank you again."

He just smiled, and Kuroko watched him walk back down the street.

Feeling strangely giddy, she went into the house and didn't bother calling out to her parents - she was sure they were busy or asleep.

Kuroko couldn't believe it! Once she was in her room, she instantly blogged.

That popular guy from before? He said he's been watching me and has noticed me for a while now! -Shadow

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