if u had a panic attack...

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You, Paige, Tasha, Gemma, Luca and Andrew are sitting round the fire pit chatting. You are sitting uncomfortably on the edge of the daybed, your leg bouncing up and down in nervousness. Paige notices.
"You ok?" She asks genuinely.
"Fine, why?" You reply in a very unconvincing tone.
Looking down at your feet , you say nothing. You can feel your breathing getting heavy and you start to struggle. Paige takes you away to the bedroom and puts her forehead against yours. "Breath with me, it's ok" she says as you breathe in and out with her until you catch your breath back. She pulls you in for a hug and she rubs your back which calms you down a little bit more. Paige always knows how to help when you are stressed and you are so grateful for her. A few minutes later she asks the question, "Can you tell me why you are feeling nervous?" You don't have a real reason why, it's just everything as love island is still a new experience to you. You don't say anything so Paige kisses your forehead and says, "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it."
You look back up to meet Paige's eyes and smile slightly.
"Come with me" she says as she takes you over to one of the beds and you sit on it together, leaning on the pillows. Paige wraps you in her arms and you lean your head on her chest. She plays with your hair and holds your hand so you feel calmer.

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