if she had a nightmare...

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It's night time and all the islanders are asleep in their bed and you are cuddling with Luca. All of a sudden, you hear one of the beds shift and someone jolts up, looking stunned. It's Paige. You wriggle your way out of Luca's arms waking him up a little bit.
"You ok?" He asks.
"I'm fine, it's Paige, I just need to check on her."
"Ok love." He says before you walk over to Paige's bed and get in.
She is wide eyed and sitting up so you gently put your arms around her and she relaxes a little bit more. The tears start to stream down her face and you hug her as she slowly falls back down on her pillow.
"Did you have a nightmare?"
She barely nods as she gets back under the covers.
"It's ok, you are safe, I've got you." You say as Paige comes closer to you, putting her head on your chest. You embrace her in your arms and kiss the top of her head, reassuring her she is going to be ok and nothing can hurt her.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You say after a few minutes of silence. She shrugs so you ask, "what happened in the dream, Paige?"
"Jacques..." she says as more tears rolled down her face.
You hug her tighter and wipe a tear form her cheek. Eventually, Paige falls asleep again and then you do the same.

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