if there was a dumping...

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There is a dumping where the public vote for the couple they think is the most compatible. However, the couple voted least compatible gets dumped from the island.

You and Luca are safe and sitting on the sofa next to the fire pit but there are still islanders left standing opposite you, including Paige. Since her and Jacques haven't been the best recently, it's not much of a surprise they haven't been voted well by the public.
"And the couple voted least compatible and being dumped form the island is..." says Luca as you sit next to him shaking and praying Paige doesn't get sent home. He notices and holds your hand.
"Amber and Ikenna" says Andrew.
You take a deep breath and everyone stands up and walks over to Amber and Ikenna. You stand up too, making your way through the crowd to Paige.

You get to her and hug her tightly, beginning to cry.
"I'm still here." Paige says, hugging you even tighter.
"I don't know what I would have done if  you weren't."

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