if jacques left...

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(obviously based on the most recent episode when Jacques leaves)

Everyone is gathered round the fire pit when Jacques tells us the bad news.
"Unfortunately I just haven't been myself and it wouldn't be fair to you or to Paige to lie or pretend to be happy and fine when honestly I'm not."
I watched as the tears streamed from Jacques and Paige's faces in front of us, as well as Luca balling next to me. I hold and caress his hand and hug him. After a few minutes everyone gets up and I walk over to Paige who is distraught.
"Do you want to go for a chat?" I ask her softly. Paige just nods but I grab her hand and take her to the terrace so we have a bit of privacy. When we sit down she immediately starts crying her eyes out as I hug her tightly. We cuddle for a bit, not speaking to each other, until Paige finally says, "I feel so guilty. Clearly there was so much more to Jacques that he didn't get to show and I hardly gave him a chance. And now he's going home because of me."
"This isn't your fault Paige; it's no one's fault."
"Yeah but if I had just given him a chance then none of this would be happening."
"It was entirely his decision and it's a personal reason for him, you didn't make him leave."
"It just feels that way" Paige says beginning to cry again.
You kiss the top of her head and play with her hair. "I know Paige, I know." Paige cries even more and it breaks your heart. It's horrible seeing your best friend so upset but you want to be there for her as much as you can. You stay on the terrace for a while until Gemma, Tasha, Ekin-Su and Indyiah open the door and sit with you and Paige. You are all in a huge huddle supporting her and giving her love.

A little bit later Dami is at the door and he tells all the girls to go downstairs as Jacques is fully packed and ready to leave. Paige starts getting really nervous and upset so you wait for all the other girls to go and you help Paige get her breathing back as she was struggling. You pull her in for one final hug before making your way downstairs, Paige very closely following after you. You stand at the front with her and wave Jacques goodbye. You wrap your arm around Paige's shoulder and wipe a tear from her cheek. She latches on to you, hugging you tightly, and you rub her back trying to make her feel slightly better. You run your fingers through her hair as you know it calms her down.

A while later you go and check on Luca as he was also extremely upset. He is sitting on a bean bag so you go and sit on his lap. "You okay?" You ask him.
"Not really." He replies holding back tears.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and Luca tucks his head into your neck and starts to cry. "It will be okay, you'll see him in no time. Promise." He puts his arms round your waist and kisses you. You caress his cheek with your thumb and kiss him again.

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