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i go to my jewelry box and pull out the J necklace. i have worn it everyday since he left. it doesn't matter what activity i am doing or where i am going, it's always with me.

today and i am free and decide to call my mom.

"hi mom!" i say when she answers.

"oh, daisy! hello, baby. you missed jungkook. he decided to stay until this morning, hoping you would call. he left about half an hour ago. he wanted to see you or talk to you so much. i can't believe he still calls you runt. he hasn't seen you in almost 7 years." she says.

"i didn't know he was staying until this morning. in the message he said he was leaving last night. i can't believe i missed that call. the one time i decided to hang out on my day off." i say sadly.

"he left you something here. i'm gonna mail it to you."

"what is it?" i ask.

"he told me not to tell you. don't worry, i'm on my way to the post office right now. it will be to you tomorrow." she says.

"ok. well, i will keep an eye out for it." i say.

"okay baby. well, i gotta go. i'll talk to you soon okay?" she says and i can hear her getting out of her car.

the next day, when the mail comes, i run to the mailbox and see a package inside. i pull it out and rush back inside and rip it open.

inside is a box. i open the box and there is a note.

"hey runt! i want you to come to our concert next month. i have given you front row seats and tickets for the meet and greet after the show. i hope to see you there!"

i squeal excitedly. i had been trying to quite some time to get tickets to one of their shows. now i get to have amazing seats and i get to talk to jungkook after all this time!

i work my ass for the next month to make sure i have enough cash for merch and food and a ride to the concert. my boss had already approved a few days off since i worked literally 7 days a week for a month straight.

the day of the concert, i get ready early. i wear a large sweatshirt over a white crop top and tight ripped jeans with my black hightop converse. i tuck the necklace into my sweatshirt and call my uber to the concert venue.

i have some much while waiting in line to get in. everyone is so friendly and even a few of them are giving stuff out for free. there is dancing and laughing and i am having fun before i even get inside.

when the doors open and we make it inside, i am amazed by the size of this arena and the stage itself. i am right up to the barricade and a little to the side so if they come down the runway, i will be almost right next to them.

after a while the lights dim and we all hold up our ARMY bombs and cheer. they come from underneath the stage and i scream extra loud when i see jungkook. i watch him more closely than the others during the show. he is amazing. that's my best friend!

at the end of the show, i make sure that i am last in line at the meet and greet. it's a long line but that's okay. i want to see his face when he sees me. i mean, it's been 7 years.

as last the girl in front of me goes in and i get really nervous. i check myself in the reflection. my long dark brown hair is loosely curled down to my waist. i straightened my sweat shirt and made sure i looked decent.

the man at the door, motions me forward and i step into the room. i instantly search for jungkook. he smiles at the girl in front of him but as soon as she walks away, his smile drops.

"last one." the man announces.

i go down the line. when i finally get to jungkook he smiles an artificial smile at me.

"you don't recognize me?" i say to him. he gives me a confused look. i reach into my sweatshirt and pull out the j necklace.

his eyes go comically wide. "runt?!" he yells and comes running around the table.

he grabs me in a hug and spins me around just like he use to.

"you said you wanted me to come. here i am. how could i resist?" i say.

"i thought you didn't come. i couldn't tell from the stage if you were there and then we went through all those people in the meet and greet. i'm so happy you're here!" he says.

"jungkook would you like to introduce us to your friend?" jin says, coming forward.

"guys, this is daisy. my best friend in the whole world. i haven't seen her since i left as a trainee." he says with a big smile on his face.

"it's nice to meet you daisy. jungkook has told us so much about you. when he first got here, you were all he talked about. daisy this and daisy that." jimin said with an eye smile.

"daisy! jungkook has told me all about you and you guys stood by each other for so long. it's so nice to meet you!" taehyung says coming up and grabbing me in a hug and swinging me in circle the way jungkook had.

"hey! get off my runt!" he says and playfully pushes taehyung away.

"why do you keep calling her a runt?" hoseok asks.

"not a runt. just runt. when we were little she was so tiny that she was smaller than everyone one we knew so i started calling her runt. she is still tiny so it still fits." he says smiling and pulling me into his side.

"daisy you should come hang out with us and have a late dinner." namjoon says.

"i don't want to intrude on you guys. i just came to see jungkook again after so long. you guys go and have a good time." i say smiling at him and pulling slightly away from jungkook to make my way to the door.

"no way, runt!  a few minutes is not long enough after so long. you need to come hang out with us. these guys are my other best friends but no one could ever take your place. please come with us!" jungkook begs, holding onto my arm.

i glance around at everyone else and no one looks like they disagree. "only if everyone is okay with it."

"we would be happy to have you with us, daisy. we want to hear all the embarrassing stories about jungkook as a kid." taehyung said. everyone else agreed.

jungkook keeps a hold of my hand so that i am pulled along with them out to their van. there really isn't room for me but they insist that i ride with them.

"you can just sit on my lap. you're still so tiny, i'm sure i won't even notice." jungkook says.

we get in first so we are on the last row. he pulls me down onto his lap and i suddenly become very aware of the fact that jungkook is a guy and now my ass is pressed into his crotch and we are taking a very bumpy road back to their dorm.

i sit stiffly, holding on to the seat in front of me to keep as much pressure off his crotch as possible. when we pull up, i look back at jungkook and he is sweating.

"sorry. i know it's really warm in here. i'm sure having all my body heat on top of you wasn't comfortable." i say.

before jungkook could answer, i hear yoongi. "yeah, i'm sure the body heat is why he is sweating."

we exit the vehicle and make our way into the dorm.

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