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its been a week since hanging out with jungkook and the guys. they all text me all the time. i generally get more from jungkook and yoongi but they all have contact with me. i've been really busy and haven't really had time to hang out yet. everyday they ask when my next day off is. the good thing is, i'm off the day after tomorrow. the sad thing is, i really need to study for my upcoming final. i'm so close to graduating and i don't want to mess up right here at the end.

-hey, runt! i miss you. when are you gonna come back over?

-hey, jk. i miss you too. i'm off the day after tomorrow but i need to study for my final. it's in two weeks.

-*sad face* you can study over here. namjoon is really really smart and can help you. pppllllleeeeaaasssseeee!

-jungkook, you can't just volunteer other people to help me without asking. and i didn't ask. i can study on my own.

-daisy, come on. we all want to hang out with you.

before i can reply, i get a different text.

-daisy, i'd be more than happy to help you study. and we all have experience with the behind the scenes of things around here so we can help you with the audio visual stuff. come on, come hang out and we can help you study after dinner. -namjoon

i sigh and reply back to both of them.

-ok, fine.

i get a ton of happy emojis from all of them except yoongi who just sends a thumbs up.

i smile and get back to work.

my shift ends and i walk home. when i make it into the building, i hold the door open for a delivery guy. we end up on the elevator together and oddly end up walking down the hallway in the same direction. he stops next to me at my door and looks at me awkwardly.

"um, are you daisy?" he asks.

"uh....yes?" i say.

he smiles brightly and thrusts the bag in my direction. "this is yours. everything has already been paid. here." he hands me a folded piece of paper and nopes out of there before i can ask any questions.

i shake at the weird encounter and enter my apartment. i put everything on the counter and open the paper.

-because we know you haven't eaten today. enjoy -yoongi and jungkook

i smile and open the bag. it has my favorite food inside. i grab the food, a water and my phone and go sit on the couch.

-thanks for the food. it was kinda awkward with the delivery guy literally following me into the building and to my door. lol

-great! i timed it perfectly.    -jungkook

i shake my head and dig into the food and pulling out my books and notebooks so i can study while i eat. my phone rings and i see it's a video call from jungkook.

"hi!" i say smiling at him and yoongi on the screen.

"hey! are you eating?" yoongi asks in concern.

i lift the container and take a bite, making him smile.

"we wanted to make sure you were eating and relaxing. are those text books i see? daisy, there is such a thing as over studying. you need to relax as well. don't overwork your mind and your body. don't think i can't tell that you are tired." jungkook says sternly.

"of course i'm tired. i go to school and work full time. but you guys are super star idols. i should be telling you to relax and not to worry about me. aren't you tired?" i ask.

"we have the next week off. we have plenty of time to make up for our sleep. really, though. you shouldn't study too much." yoongi says.

"i'll tell you what. i will study tonight and tomorrow night after work. when i come to hang out with you guys the next day, i will use it as my relax day. i'll come with nothing but myself. no flashcards, no notebooks or school books. i will just be my age and hang out with my friends." i say with a tired smile.

between the food and really being tired, i can barely keep my eyes open.

"ok, daisy. finish your food and go to bed. you are obviously really tired." jungkook says.

"i'll only study for another hour and then i'll go to bed." i say.

"daisy, you are falling asleep with food in your hand, how are you going to stay awake for another hour?" yoongi asks.

"simple. i will grab one book and one notebook and walk around my apartment while i study. the constant movement will keep me awake." i say.

they both roll their eyes.

we get off the phone and i stand as i finish off the food and throw the container away. i grab the book and notebook that goes with it and start studying out loud as i walk around my living room. half an hour later, i switch books and begin to study that as i walk around. another half hour and i switch again and begin to walk and study that one. finally, 3 hours later, i fall into bed after finishing my bedtime routine.

i wake with my alarm 3 and half hours later and begin to get ready for school and work. i'm exhausted, but as i get my morning texts from the guys, i perk up. they ask what time my class ends tomorrow and i let them know it's my earliest class and we are out by 10. they want me to come over immediately after and even insist on sending a car to pick me up.

i finally have to tell them that i am heading into class and that i can't talk. i get pouty face emojis from jungkook, tae and jimin.

i make it through class but just barely. i get to work and immediately make myself a coffee before starting my shift.

after hours of waiting on tables and talking to people, i can finally go home. i walk inside and make myself some ramen and start studying. i end up in bed about the same time as the night before even though i have to be up for this early class.

my alarm goes off and i have to rush to class since i hit snooze too many times. i am barely awake during class but luckily it was kind of a review day.

when i exit the building a see a sleek black car. the man standing outside of it is holding a sign with my name on it. i walk up to him and he gestures me inside.

i shake my head at how ridiculous that was. i pull out my book and study on the way there. i know i told them that i was just bringing myself but i had come from class so i had my stuff with me so i might as well use the trip there to get a little studying in.

the driver informs me that we have arrived and i put my books away and make my way to the door. i knock and hear feet running to the door before it opens and jungkook stands in front of me.

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