back to normal

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i wake the next morning and i see the daisy is still sleeping. i look at her and i can see the dark circles under her eyes. how did i not see that before. was she really do so bad and i just didn't see it. doesn't she know that i would do anything for her? to help her?

i gently kiss her forehead and get out of bed. i head into the kitchen where i see the other guys sitting.

"good morning." i say, quietly.

"good morning. how is she?" jin asks.

i sigh. "she is sleeping thankfully. how did we not notice this? how did i not notice?"

"jungkook, its not your fault. all of us are around her and none of us saw it. she clearly didn't want us to see." namjoon said.

"i'm just so worried about her."

"we all are." jimin said.

we are all sitting there quietly so when can hear when daisy starts moving around. i jump up when i hear her feet moving quickly in the opposite direction. towards the bathroom. i run back to our room and can hear her getting sick in the bathroom. i open the door and sigh. she is leaning her head on the side of the toilet seat with her eyes closed. when i see her relax, i move more into the room and pick her up and carry her back to bed.

she doesn't even move when i lay her back down. i kiss her cheek and quietly leave again.

"she okay?" jimin asks.

"yeah. she was sick and then immediately went back to sleep. she must be more exhausted than we realized."

"we need to take better care of her." taehyung says.

"she doesn't want that. she is not gonna let us do that. what we can do is watch her more closely and make sure that something like this doesn't happen again." yoongi said.

"he's right. i know she won't tell us anything. she doesn't want us worrying about her.." i say.

the others nod in agreement.

about an hour later, daisy walks into the living where me and a few of the guys are sitting.

"good morning." she says.

"good afternoon." tae says back, with a grin.

she giggles and moves into the kitchen. i follow her and wrap my arms around her waist from behind.

"feeling better?"

"yes. thank you." she says quietly.

we don't really speak while in the kitchen. we just stand together and enjoy the feeling of being in each other's arms.

"don't you guys work today?" she asks.

"nope. got the day off. we plan on watching movies and eating lots of food. and i personally plan on spending some time with you." i say.

"that sounds like a wonderful day." she says, turning in my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck.

she presses a kiss to my lips and we head back into the living with everyone else. i pull her into my lap and we start the first movie. halfway through, jimin lets everyone know that the food that he ordered is on its way.

we spend the day exactly like i said we would. whenever she would go to the bathroom, we would get really quiet and pause the movie so that we could hear if she was getting sick or not. a couple of times, we would hear her but said nothing like we didn't hear but just keep a close watch on her.

time skip.....because i can

she has an appointment coming up in the morning. it's been almost 2 years of this constant battle. i can see the toll it has taken on her. she has lost a lot of weight, her hair is completely gone, and she sleeps a lot.

when i wake up, i see she is awake but looks bleary eyed.

"are you ready for your appointment, baby?" i ask her.

"just another routine appointment." she says sadly.

"you gotta keep positive. don't let those sad thoughts take over."

"easy for you to say. you are not the one that is always sick and exhausted." she says, getting up and heading to the bathroom. when i hear the shower start, i fall back and close my eyes.

daisy has become very depressed. we all try to keep her spirits up and the doctors were trying to help, but sometimes, she just can't help it. i mean, it's been almost 2 years and its almost christmas.

i get up and head to the hall bathroom to get myself ready for the day. her appointment is in about 2 hours so when i am done, i head to the kitchen to make something light for breakfast. daisy usually will eat toast. i try every morning to get her to eat something else but she says this is the only thing that doesn't make her sick.

she comes into the kitchen, in clothes that just hang loosely on her. i hope when we get to the doctor, it's good news. i don't know if she can handle any more bad.

the car arrives and we head downstairs, the other guys wishing good luck. we are immediately called back when we get to the appointment. we settle in chairs in the doctor's office.

"good morning, daisy. jungkook." he greets us when he comes in.

"good morning." we say.

"well, i've had a chance to look at your most recent scans and i have some excellent news to share with you. there is no sign of cancer. you are officially in remission." he says with a smile.

i know my face lights up like a christmas tree. this is wonderful. i look at daisy and my smile drops. she has no reaction whatsoever. i look at the doctor.

"daisy. look at me please." the doctor says. slowly she turns her eyes to look at him. "you, my dear, are cancer free. no more treatments. just periodical scans to keep an eye on it."

she blinks at him and then looks at me. slowly, a smile starts to spread across her face.

"what? please tell me you are not joking."

"i'm not joking. you are on the road to recovery."

she stands abruptly. i stand with her out of instinct and she throws her arms around me. i grab her and spin her around. we are both crying happy tears. its been so long.

"now, before you go running happily down the hall, there are some things to discuss." the doctor says. we both sit back down.

"you are on the road to recovery, but it will take a little time before you feel completely normal again. you need to gain some weight, first and foremost. we will have you on a plan that will help with that. when you feel up to it, i'm sure you could go back to work, but take it easy. don't do too much, too fast. i will have the nurse bring more information in to you." he starts to leave but turns back. "congratulations!"

he leaves and we beam at one another. when the nurse comes in, i take this time to inform the guys. the are ecstatic. they are already planning a celebration and ask me to keep daisy out for a little while. i contact sejin to let him know and ask him to find a place for me and her to eat before heading home.

when the nurse leaves, daisy turns to me. she has more life in her eyes than she has had in a long time.

"come on, let me take you out to celebrate."

i grab her hand and we head back out to the car to take us to a restaurant where we can have some time to ourselves.

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