The Basement

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AN: I'm sorry if this book is absolute shit, this is my first time actually writing something outside of school essays, but I hope you enjoy <3



When you seemingly 'awoke' from whatever happened, you felt dazed. It was like when you just wake up but you're still half asleep, your dreams still hazily playing inside your head.

You could hardly see anything, your vision was blurry and warped and your eyes stung. You had an awful taste in in your mouth as well.

As you focused a bit more, you noticed that your dizzying surroundings seemed to be moving... was someone carrying you? Your surroundings came to a holt and you felt a surface appear underneath you. The surface didn't feel all that solid, more like just a sort of stiff mattress.As you were sitting up on the mattress you saw a figure squat down so they were at eye level with you. The figure was close enough for you to partially make out the mask they were wearing. 

Suddenly everything that happened rushed back into your mind, 'holy shit'. You got fucking kidnapped. The harsh realisation hit you like a train, a burning tear fell from your eye, scorching your already stinging eyes and distorting your vision further.

The figure in front of you, who you now assumed to be the man from earlier spoke, "Aww, don't cry, kid." He wiped a tear from your still woozy face. (sorry but I'm watching scream while writing this)

You could hardly hear him, still in that half-asleep state of being, but you could feel his hand playing with your hair. "Out of everyone else, you put up less of a fight. I guess I have to thank you for that." He ended his sentence with a giggle, the same joyful sound from your first time meeting. You supposed that confirmed him to be the same man from earlier.

"Maybe a soda will work as a 'thank you'?" He tilted his masked face to the side. "You look like you like soda, right?" His hand placed itself on your shoulder, giving you a small shake. "I'm going to go upstairs for a bit, and when I come back I'll have your soda."

He stood up and started walking away, you heard what sounded like something scraping against stone, then a small "click". How scared you were only added to how dizzy you felt, your head was racing with awful thoughts of everything he might try to do to you, and you were shaking out of pure terror.

Not knowing what else to do, you slowly crawled to the center of the dusty old mattress, tucked your legs into your chest and wrapped your arms around them. The tears spilling from your eyes landed with a just barely hearable "thud" on the mattress.

You didn't want to, or really mean to, but since you hadn't slept in so long, you fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to get another one out today though. <3


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