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felt like my writing was getting a bit repetitive so i threw a real curveball at'cha today ;)                           (and no, sadly the "curveball" isn't smut today) ((soon tho..))

Y/f/t = your favorite tea  E/c = eye color  L/n = Last name

Oh and if you have a gender neutral term to use in place of "good girl/boy" or "naughty boy/girl" please comment it <3


When the kiss broke you continued to stare into each others eyes. There's no other way to describe the wanting look in his eyes other than completely love-struck. Weirdly, that utterly captivated and adoring shine he had was slowly covered with a hood confusion. His eyes darted all over your face and soon even the confusion was replaced with what can be simply described as guilt. At this point you were confused as well. Had you done something wrong? You knew you weren't the best at kissing but you didn't think you were that bad, he looked away and said "I'm sorry, I have to go... I have things to do today."

"Oh.. yeah, uh sorry." You untangled yourself from him so that he could get up, but you had no idea what to say or do as he got off of the stiff mattress and made his way across the dark room. You were so confused... why the sudden change in moods? One second he was practically begging to kiss you and then the next he just tosses you aside like a pet he got bored of? Or... what if you made him uncomfortable? Images of how uncertain he seemed while climbing onto the bed flashed through your mind and your remorse for him only grew as you remembered the fact that you'd kissed him without his consent before you'd fallen asleep.

You felt like a horrible person as Albert shut the heavy door behind him without so much as a glance back. On the other side of the door, Albert was sitting on the warn and creaky bottom step, contemplating what he'd done and what he might need to do. Were you just going along with whatever he did so you could escape? Probably. He felt guilty at the thought of you mentally retching as you were kissing him. He tore his mask off and angrily threw it down in front of him, after that he sighed and buried his face in his hands while mentally yelling at himself. He'd kidnapped you, only fed you once so far in the three days you'd been here, and—in his mind—forced you hold and even kiss him, your kidnapper, just so you could have a chance at escaping before... before what? He kills you? ... No. No, he could never do that to you. You'd been so obedient and civil so far, he couldn't hurt you. 

With the crushing weight of guilt on his shoulders, he got up and walked to the kitchen in order to make you something to eat. Feeling terrible about not feeding you as much as he should've, 

You were curled up under the nest you'd made of the large comforter you were given while just thinking everything over, when you heard the metal door being pushed open. You immediately looked up to see Albert holding a try with eggs, bacon, toast, and a mug. "I thought you might be hungry."

You hadn't realized before with everything going on, but you were absolutely starving. The smell of the food was almost dizzying as saliva gathered in your mouth. "Yeah." If he had "things to do today," and he still went out of his way to bring you food... then you couldn't have fucked up too bad.

"You haven't eaten in... well a while." He placed the tray down on the foot of the bed, like he had before.

"Thank you." You didn't want to look him in his eyes, you still weren't sure if it was because you were still terrified of him—which was definitely more than likely—, or if you knew you wouldn't be able to look away.

While staring at the plate, you heard him loudly sigh and say, "Well, I better get some rest." He turned and headed towards the door, he was about to close it behind him when he looked over his shoulder to you and left you with, "Goodnight, Y/n." That was when you finally looked him in his eyes, where you could see the light illuminating his building tears. And then he left.

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