Steel Blue

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I've noticed a lot of grabber x reader stories have really similar situations and aspects and shit. Like- It feels like half the things i've written have already been written into other stories



You stayed in the same spot as when he left for what felt like hours, but was probably more like ten minutes. Time always felt slower in the basement.

You didn't know why he was being so caring, and to be honest, you didn't fully know how to react to it. Your mother hated you, when your father was around he was distant, and you didn't have many friends who were close to you. Any time someone showed interest in getting close to you or getting to see past your 'comic relief friend' façade you would get scared and push them away. But as scared as you were, you didn't want to push this man away...

Bringing you back to reality was the sound of the large door opening once again. Looking up, you were met by the sight of The Grabber holding a tray with a plate of eggs, toast, a bottled soda, and an apple. He walked into the room and placed the tray in front of you, then picked up the apple and sat on the floor in front of the mattress you were sitting on. You watched as he unclipped some straps on the back of his head and took off the bottom of his mask, leaving the top half on. This was the first time you'd seen the bottom half of his face without it being obstructed by face paint or the mask, so you couldn't help but stare for a second. He had thin, rosy lips and a cleanly shaven face. Something about him was oddly... familiar

*flashback time bitches*

You walked up to the register of the hardware store, and placed what you were buying on the counter for the man to scan.

"Did you find everything you were looking for today?" Asked the man at the counter.

"Uh- Yeah." You replied. 'I fucking hate social interactions. Why couldn't mom go buy her own damn hammer?' You thought to yourself.

"Um... You alright? You look a little bugged out."

His question caught you a bit off guard, normally people just brush off any 'antisocial' behavior you give off. "Yeah I'm alright... Just kinda tired I guess." You gave a small smile which he genuinely returned.

"Alright, well your total is eleven dollars and twenty-four cents." You handed him the ten and five dollar bills that your mother had given you to pay for what she needed. "Aaaalright, and here's your change. And don't forget to get some sleep, kid."

You lightly laughed at his comment, before replying "Yeah, I will." You glanced at his name tag for a second and then looked back up to meet his eyes. "Have a nice day, Albert." And with that, you grabbed what you had payed for, and left the store.

*Aaand back to the future we go*

Realization hit you like a fucking brick and you looked into his eyes, the same steel blue eyes you had looked into that day at the hardware store.

"Albert?" Your voice was just above a whisper, your head was drowning in thoughts of: 'Why would he do this?' 'He's just some normal guy?' 'How did I not get any weird vibes from him when we first met?'

You could see that he was breathing faster, although the rest of him was frozen. Except for his hand that was still forcefully holding onto the apple, his fingers digging into the sides of the fruit and causing the apple's juice to drip onto the floor or down his hand.

"So. You remember."


Word Count: 587

Again sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to get something out. The next one will be longer I PROMISE. And hey, THE STORY CONTINUES!!

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