Should I Keep Writing?

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Okay so I've been getting some comments -only like 3-6 so far but anyway- that have made me feel kinda bad about writing this and bringing to light some of the things The Grabber did in the book and calling me "disgusting" for having a The Grabber x Reader book and the first time it happened I just deleted the comments the person had left and blocked them (mostly bc the way they wrote the comments made them sound like a douche) but some other comments sounded... disturbed? Concerned? I was just wondering what you guys think I should do:

Continue the story

Keep the book up but stop updating

Take down the book

But also just putting it out there that dudes- you read the title, the TW, and the story description and yet you still chose to read it just to comment about how I'm gross for writing this? How did you even find this if you thought it was gross? Did you think it's about the OTHER characters in The Black Phone? The characters who are ALL MINORS?
And Albert is a fictional character at LEAST. It's not like I'm sexualizing Ted Bundy or the Baton Rouge killer.

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