stealing candy and one more heist.

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candy truck]

Dru: Wait for me here.

Gru: Oh. Stop that! Ow! You kicked me.

[Dru opens a door]

Gru: Hey! Hey! What are you doing?

[Dru grabs the lollipops]

Gru: Did you just steal candy?

Dru: Yes!

Gru: That's a lot effort for two lollipops.

[the policemen go down to Gru and Dru]

Dru: Oh, oh, no! The police! What do we do, what do we do?

Gru[laughing] Come on this is gonna be fun!

[they all go down, while they continue charging at Gru and Dru]


[the car stops by the pigs]


[the policemen continue riding down, landing by the pigs, then they continue driving faster, going left]

Dru: Ha! Whoa! They're back!

Gru: Ha-ha. All right. [presses a button, then the car flies up, putting a drill on, going underground, then going on the water]

Dru: Ooh, ooh, man, that was crazy! We were so close to getting busted.

Gru: Tell me about it. I thought you were going to pee your pants.

Dru[offscreen] I did!

Gru[offscreen] You did!

[cut to the Minions, walking down]

Minion: Hey, Mel.

[the man passes by the Minions]

Minion: Huh? La pizza.

[the Minions run down to get the pizza, while the Minions continue chanting, looking at the TV]

Officer Guard 1: What are you doing? Intruders! Intruders!

[the Minions continue running to get the pizza]

Officer Guard 2: There they are!

Officer Guard 1: Stop!

Officer Guard 2: Hey, you! Don't move! Halt!

[they all go inside]

Officer Guard 1: Call for backup!

[they all go in the dark, then the light turns on, then the microphone appears, then "Modern Major General" begins playing, pushing the Minion, then they start singing in Minionese]

Guard: Get 'em! Go! Go!

[the Minions continue singing "Modern Major General" in Minionese, with a guard walking to the Minions, taking a breath, then they continue singing, forming a heart shape, giving applause]

Guard 1: Hey, you!

Guard 2: Freeze!

Guard 3: Don't move!

Guard 4: Hands in the air!

[cut to Gru and Dru, taking their clothes off]

Dru: Ah. Face it, Gru, villainy is in your blood. You can't tell me you don't miss the rush, a little?

Gru: Uh, yeah, maybe a little.

Dru: And now you've got the chance to get back on top, get your mojo back, become Gru again. How awesome would that be?

Gru: Hmm.

Dru: Oh, please, come on. [whispers] Just one heist. There's got to be something out there, somewhere, that you still want to steal.

Gru: Hmm. There is something. How about we steal the largest diamond in the world?!

Dru: Yes! I love it! [kicks the water] Oh, thank you, brother! Thank you from the bottoms of my heart!

Gru: but promise me you'll tell June the truth! She needs to know.

Dru: I will! After the heist.

Gru: Dru!

Dru: ok. I'll do it before she goes to bed.

Gru: thats better.

[they all dance on the water]

Dru: Oh, you know what? We should do something to celebrate!

Gru: Oh-ho-ho! I have got the perfect idea!

despicable me 3. June. Where stories live. Discover now