Unicorns and getting into the Cube.

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Edith[yawning] Can we go back now?

Agnes: Already? Just a couple more hours.

Edith: We have to be home before it gets dark.

Agnes[sighs] I don't understand. I did exactly what the man said.

Edith: You mean that one-eyed, scar-faced man that everybody laughed at?

Agnes: Yeah, it makes no sense.

Edith: Look, Agnes, maybe we're not...

[they hear a branch snapping]

Agnes: Ooh! My whole life has been building this moment.

[Lucky screams]

Edith: Um, it's a...

Agnes: Unicorn! [giggling, walking to Lucky] I can't believe it! [gasping] I'm gonna name you Lucky!

[Lucky licks Agnes]

Agnes: Oh, Lucky, stop it!

Edith: Yeah, I'll let someone else burst your bubble.

[cut back to Gru and Dru, going to Bratt's lair]

Dru: Look at us! Two brothers pulling a heist! And that diamond will make us the richest, most powerful villains in the world! Right, brother?

Gru: Oh! Right. Yep. Yeah.

[the diamond transitions to Gru and Valerie]

Valerie: Bravo! Bravissimo! You're amazing! I'm so sorry. I'm so embarrassed. I was very rude.

Lucy: You did it!

Valerie: And you were always such a gentleman.

Lucy: You did it! You got our jobs back!

[the confetti transition back to Gru and Dru]

Gru[stammering, clearing throat] What? Oh, yeah, right. Sure. Oh, look! We're here!

[they continue going to Bratt's lair]

Gru: I'm going in. Take the wheel.

Dru: Aw, I still don't see why I can't go with you.

Gru: Hey, hey! We discused this. Now is not the time to mess with the plan!

Dru: Fine.

[Gru presses a button, springing them up to the building, selecting the mode to sticky, walking up the wall, laughing]

Dru[lands on a wall] Hey, brother!

Gru: What? I told you, you are supposed to stay with the boat!

Dru: Oh, I didn't think you meant that literally.

Gru: What other way could I have meant it?! All right. Let's move. Just follow my lead.

Dru[groans] Got it. [gets off, flipping backward] Help me! Ow, ow, ow! Oh, no! The poison spikes! I'm gonna be impaled! [slides closer to the spike] I'm okay!

Gru[sighs] I miss the Minions. Come on! [climbs up]

Dru[tries to climb up] Coming! [continues trying to climb up] Coming!

Gru[to Dru] Come on.

[the missles appear at Dru, screaming]

Gru: It's a scanning device! Quick, camouflage mode.

[Dru selects the mode to camouflage]

Gru: Freeze! And close your eyes! And cover your mouth!

[Dru covers his mouth, scanning Dru, then the missles go away by Dru, selecting the mode to sticky]

Gru: Okay, take my hand! [grabs Dru, shaking around, walking on sticky legs]

[they both look at a cube, then Gru presses the buttons]

Gru[chuckling] Follow me.

[Dru presses the buttons, blowing up a big balloon, trying to form a balloon on the back, flying around, then Gru cuts a hole, putting it in]

Dru: Look out! [goes in by Gru, flying in the vents] Well, you were right. I should have stayed in the boat. My stomach feels all queasy. I shouldn't have eaten that pot pie.

Gru[to Dru] Hey, hey, relax. You're gonna be just fine. I got your back. [looks at a maze to the diamond] COme on. This way.

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