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~August 31st, 1985

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August 31st, 1985

SUMMER WENT BY LIKE A JIFFY. The Russian incident was already two months ago. Sadly, Scoops ahoy burnt down in the mall fire, meaning Juliana and her friends lost their job. Steve and Robin stuck together and decided to go work at a video store, while Juliana applied at a Music Store.

It was now the first day of freshman year for Dustin and the first day of senior year for his sister.

The oldest sister woke up, still feeling a little tired. She stayed in bed for another five minutes, not wanting to go to school.

"Julie! Wake up, you're gonna be late for your first day!" Mrs. Henderson yelled from outside her room.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Juliana yelled back.

She groaned, falling out of her bed. She put on her clothes, prepared her school bag and washed her face. After that, she went into the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, she took two pop tarts and put them in the toaster.

"Oh, Julie. Could you wake your brother up, he still hasn't woken up yet." Mrs. Henderson told her daughter.

Juliana raised an eyebrow, eyeing her mother. "You don't even wake up Dustin, but you have to wake me up screaming?"

She exhaled, walking toward her younger brother's room, only to see him in bed still in his PJs, reading a letter that Suzie wrote him.

"What the hell are you still doing in your pyjamas? It's ten after!" She yelled.

Dustin's eyes widened as he checked the time on his wall. "Oh, shit. Shit!" He hurriedly got out of bed.

"You have thirty seconds or I'm leaving without you, okay? Thirty seconds!" Juliana said and walked out of Dustin's room.

"Okay! I just need to find my pants!" Dustin yelled as he looked around his room, rummaging through this clothes that was on his floor.

Juliana walked out of his room and went straight into the kitchen. The pop tarts were already done so she took them out of the toaster. She waited impatiently for her brother in front of the entrance, her foot tapping the floor.

He finally got out in a rush but took a lot of time saying goodbye to their mother.

"Dustin! Let's go!" Juliana said, hinting that they were gonna be late by tapping her watch many times.

"All right, Jesus!" The boy yelled back at her sister, walking toward her.

She threw him a pop tart and they exited the house.

"Good luck, kids!" Mrs. Henderson blew a kiss to them before Dustin could slam the door.


"So the thing is, me and Suzie haven't been talking recently." Dustin stated, starting his daily therapy session with his sister.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆 ; EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now