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~March 26th, 1986

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March 26th, 1986

As soon as she got through the gate, Juliana instantly noticed Steve getting attacked by bats from afar. He was pinned to the ground by them, one bat was choking him with its tale and two others were starting to eat him alive. Nancy was already by his side, trying to get him out of the chokehold but she needed help. Juliana dashed towards them, picking up an oar on the way there.

She got to Steve's side and bashed one of the bats with the wooden tool. "Hey, there." She sneered before hitting another bat.

Robin and Eddie soon arrived and picked up an oar as well. There was only one left so Robin had to use a flashlight. They went to the others' side and started killing the other creatures. One bat was still choking Steve so Robin ran to him.

"Quick! Hold it, Robin!" Nancy told her as she was ready to smash the bat.

"I got it!" Robin exclaimed and stumped on the tail of the bat that was making Steve suffocate as Nancy started smashing the oar into it repeatedly.

"Shit!" Eddie cursed as he saw another bat flying straight towards him. "Yeah, come on!" He screamed at it as he swung the oar at the creature, making it fly away but it was coming back. And this time, it was flying towards Juliana. He started to panic and tried to warn her. "Jules, behind you! Watch out!" He screamed.

Juliana, who was still finishing off with another bat, didn't have enough time to turn around as the creature started to pull on her hair. "Fuck!" She shouted in pain as she tried to get it off her. "Eddie, help me!"

Eddie immediately ran to his girlfriend as he heard her cry for help. He went behind her, grabbed onto the bat and pulled on its tail. He didn't pull it that strong since he also didn't want Juliana to lose hair. He finally yanked the animal off of her back and pinned it down. "Jules, now!" He commanded.

Juliana stepped forward and stabbed the end of her oar into its mouth, crushing the little head. "Rot in hell!" She growled before killing the bat.

"Come on, come on, come on, you son of a bitch!" Eddie grunted, slapping the shit out of another one as it flew away. "I said come on! Let's go!" The creature came speeding towards him so he dabbed the broken end of his oar and plunged it into the ground.

Back to Steve, Nancy and Robin's constant hitting was not freeing himself from the bat's tail so he bit down on it and restrained it as it tried to escape. He started to whip the animal to the ground, making it weaker at every hit. A few whips later, Steve stepped on the head and pulled the tail, ripping the bat in half. His whole body was covered in blood and bites.

𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙆 ; EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now