1: The Vanishing of Will Byers

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1983, November 6th - 10:11 pm
You and Nancy were studying for a test in her bedroom. You tapped your pencil on the paper, making a clank noise every tap.
"Can you, stop that...?" Nancy whispered as you quickly stopped.

You look at the messy notes on your lap. You groan in disappointment as you threw your body on Nancy's bed.

"Mike! Mike!" Mom called.
You hear bickering below along with Mom yelling at Mike. You look at Nancy, she rolled her eyes as she picked up the ringing telephone.
You walked out of Nancy's room, heading downstairs.
"Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign!" Mike yelled, throwing his arms in the air.

"You mean the end? Fifteen after," Mom replied, pointing at her imaginary watch.
You snicker a bit as you walk downstairs to the basement.
"Oh, my God! Freaking idiot!" Lucas yelled.
You walked downstairs to see Dustin, Lucas, and Will fumbling around looking for something. Mike hurriedly ran upstairs, completely ignoring you.
You walked down stairs to see everyone on the floor, crawling. You walked over to the rugged old couch, sitting down.
"What are you guys looking for?" you ask.

"Oh, I got it!" Will yelled, "Does the seven count?"
"It was a seven?" Lucas questioned as Dustin slid on his brown jacket.
"Did Mike see it?" Lucas asked as Will shook his head," Then it doesn't count."
You sat there looking at them as they swiftly put on their jackets and grabbed their bags.
"Yo, hey guys," Dustin said, grabbing the pizza box as Lucas and Will climb upstairs. "Does anyone want this?"
"No," Will and Lucas reply.

"See-ya later," you said, waving your arms," Hey, Will, tell your brother I said 'Hi'"
You look at Will, then Dustin as he shrugs his shoulders and walks upstairs with the pizza box. You look at the gross mess in the basement. You gagged as you quickly ran upstairs. You ran into your room, knowing Nancy is probably talking to her friend, Barb. You jump onto your bed, making a big thump before all the lights in your room started to flicker.
"What the hell...?" you whispered to yourself before turning off your lamp.
You shrug it off before falling asleep.

6:21 am
You wake up to Nancy at your door, arms crossed. You rub your morning eyes before getting up.
"What do you want?" you yawned.
"Mom called your name a thousand times." Nancy said before walking away.
You quickly get up and ran downstairs to smell eggs and toast. You smile at Mom before sitting down and grabbing a fork.
"That's disgusting," Nancy said while Mike poured syrup onto his eggs.
"You're disgusting!" Mike shouted.

The phone rang while you gorged on some eggs.
"Hello?" Mom said as she held Holly in one arm. "Oh, Joyce, hi."
"What the hell, Mike?" Nancy yelled as Mike purposely spilt some syrup on her eggs.
You laugh a bit, giving Mike a fist bump.
"Hey!" Dad said with a stern look. "Language!"
"Quiet!" Mom yelled, glaring at us.
"Are you kidding?" Nancy groaned.
You took a sip of some cold orange juice before you heard Mom mumble something.
"Will? No, no, no, it's just Mike." Mom said. "No, he left here a little bit after 8:00"

You look at Nancy as she made a disgusting face at her eggs before gulping down some orange juice.
"Why? He's not home?" Mom asked. "Okay. Bye."
Mom hung up the phone, then placed Holly down in her high chair.
You munched down the rest of your eggs before snatching your plate and getting up.
"Thanks for the breakfast Mom," You thank her before tossing the plate into the sink.

You ran up to your room, grabbing some clothes before heading to school. You slid on a sweater and some jeans.
"Y/n!" Nancy yelled from downstairs, "C'mon!"
"Coming!" you yelled back.

You enter the back seat of Dad's automobile while Nancy sat in the front. You look out the window to see Mike and his friends biking to school.
The bell rang as soon as you exit Dad's car.
"Thanks," You mumble before leaving.
You walk behind Nancy as she confidently walks into the High school building with her stupid books. You notice Barbara, her dear friend, running up to Nancy before you split paths with her.

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