2. The Weirdo on Maple Street

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1983, November 7th - 6:27 am
Your alarm clock rang in your ear. You got up, slamming the alarm on the floor.
"Mike...Mike?" you rub your eyes, "What are you doing?"
"Grabbing some clothes," Mike replied, holding a bunch of clothing.
"What? What? No, no, no," You walked over to Mike, snatching your clothes back, "Tell me, why do you need these?"

"You promise not to tell anyone?" Mike said, after a long pause while holding onto a pair of jeans, "Promise?"
"Depends, Mike, is it illegal?" You reply.
"No, not exactly—we don't know," Mike said, looking at his feet.
"We? Who's we?" You furrowed your brows.
"Mike! Nancy! Y/n!" Mom yelled.

You mumbled uncertain words before throwing your clothes on your bed and sprinting downstairs.
You sat down at the dinner table next to Mike. You slowly ate your waffles while Mike basically gulped down his.

Nancy looked at Mike with a curious look as Mom cut her waffles.
"Slow down, Mike," Nancy chuckled a bit, "That's disgusting."
"Do a lot of studying last night?" Mike said with a full mouth.
You widened your eyes, looking at Nancy.
"Yeah, actually, I did," Nancy smacked her lips.

"What was your test on again?" Mike asked, "Human anatomy?"
You cracked a small laugh before coughing down your waffles.
"Hey, what's going on?" Mom asked.
"Nothing," Nancy and Mike said.
Mike threw his fork on his plate before getting up and rushing downstairs. You looked at your plate before excusing yourself upstairs to get ready.

You grabbed your satchel before racing downstairs and to the car.
"C'mon Nance!" You yell while waiting next to Dad's car.
Dad drops you and Nancy off to school. Before you could even say anything to Nancy, she bolts off with Barb. You groan before sluggishly walking into the building.
You walk near the entrance to see Jonathan while flyers in his arms.
"Hey!" you smile, waving your arms.
"Oh, Hi." Jonathan said, looking down.
You look at the flyers in his hands before opening the door for him. You walk in with Jonathan as he walked towards the news board.

"Let me help." You offered, reaching your hand out.
"Thanks," Jonathan said in a soft tone.
You grabbed some pins before noticing Nancy and her gang of friends in the distance, glaring at you two.
You quickly look away as you realize they're all probably talking about Jonathan.
"Nice jacket," you said while pinning up a poster.
Jonathan didn't reply, but you notice him crack a small smile.
You look at the group again only to see Nancy walking towards you two.
You nudge at Jonathan's arm.
"You should go," You whispered.

"Hey," Nancy said, completely ignoring you, how rude.
"Oh, Hey," Jonathan replied, turning towards Nancy.
"I just," Nancy said in a soft voice. "I wanted to say, you know...I'm sorry about everything."
You stood behind Jonathan, glaring at Steve's group behind her.

"Everything's thinking about you," Nancy smiled, "It sucks."
"Yeah," Jonathan said quietly.
Nancy and Jonathan made eye contact for a few seconds before she said, "I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid."

The school bell rang, breaking the awkward tension between them. You threw on a smile at Nancy before she left.
"I have to go," Nancy chuckled, "Chemistry test."
"Yeah," Jonathan smiled back.
"Good luck."

"What was that?" You said in a playful tone.
"What?" Jonathan smiled before walking away.
You follow behind Jonathan. "
Hey, d'you mind if I come with you?"
"No, not at all." Jonathan replied.

Attention, faculty and students. At 8:00 p.m. tonight, there will be an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers and his family. All are encouraged to attend. Volunteers and sign-ups for search parties are still available in the office.

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