8. The Upside Down

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1983 - 9:32 pm
Jonathan drove us to his house. You quickly got out of the car, holding onto the fire extinguisher as he opened the trunk of his car.
Nancy stood in front of me, shielding the trunk light from my face.
You heard Jonathan sigh before grabbing the box.
You threw the extinguisher on the floor as Jonathan placed the box on the floor.
"Now what?" you ask.
"We get ready," Nancy replied.
First, Jonathan, Nancy and you started by placing the lightbulbs back onto the Christmas lights, which took years.
Second, you started hammering the bear-trap to the floor, testing out the trap.
You walk through the living room, grabbing weapons as a Nancy loaded her gun with bullets.

"This is crazy," You gasped, "A week ago, I was just at home, thinking...thinking, well, thinking about how I failed the chemistry test. Now look where we are."
Nancy chuckled a bit before reaching for another pack of .38's.
You turn around to see Jonathan hammering nails into the bat.
You grab the gasoline bottle and started making a trail of it in the house, gagging at the stench. The gas odor burned the inside of your nose. You walked all the way into Ms. Byers room. By now, the whole house smelt like gasoline.
You watch as Nancy and Jonathan set up the trap, using a smily face yo-yo.

You looked through Jonathan's kitchen and grabbed three knives.
You passed them to Nancy and Jonathan.
"Remember," you said.
"Straight into Will's room. And," Nancy started.

"Don't step on the trap," Jonathan added.
"Wait for the yo-yo to move," You said.
"Then," Jonathan said.
"Flambé." You smiled.

"Alright," Jonathan mumbled.
"You ready?" You look at Nancy and Jonathan.
"Ready," they replied.
You all held your hands out, holding the knife above. Your breathing became heavy as the knife came closer.
"On three," Jonathan said with a shivered voice.
"One," you said.
"Two," Nancy quietly whispered.
"You don't have to do this," Jonathan blurted out.
"Jonathan, stop talking," Nancy said.
"Three," You whisper, cutting your hand.

"Oh crap," you said before Jonathan cover your mouth with his other hand.
You look at your cut bleeding hand in distress.
Nancy groaned as Jonathan tied the bandage on her hand.
You wince at the pain when you wrapped your hand in bandages.
You heard some faint creaking in front of Jonathan's house.
"Hey, do you guys hear that?" you ask, getting up.
"Yeah.. careful, Y/n," Nancy said.
You walked towards the door quietly.

Suddenly someone banged on the door.
"Oh goodness! There's a monster out there!" you yell sarcastically, then falling to the floor.
"Jonathan?" Steve yelled from outside, "Are you there, man? It's... it's Steve!"
You got up, wiping your hands on your pants.
"Listen, I just want to talk!" Steve yelled as Nancy looked at Jonathan, then you.
He continued banging on the door, Nancy quickly got up and opened a small crack in the door.
"Steve, listen to me—" Nancy said.
"Hey. Nancy, what," Steve started.
"You need to leave," Nancy looked at Steve.
"I'm not trying to start anything, okay?" Steve said softly.

"I don't care about that. You need to leave."
"No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay?" Steve apologized, "I messed... I messed up. Okay?"
"Really. Please," Steve begged.
You looked at him through the small crack, he still had blood and bruises on his face.
"I just want to make thing right," Steve said, "Okay? Please. Please.."

His eyes looked had Nancy's hand.
"Hey, what happened to your hand?" he stammered," "Is that blood?"
"Nothing.. it was an accident," Nancy stuttered.
"Yeah, what's going on?" Steve questioned.

"Wait a sec, did he do this to you?" Steve tried pushing through the door.
"No," Nancy said, pushing back.
"Nancy, let me in!" Steve pushed her.
"No. No! No, Steve!"

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