3. Holly, Jolly

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1983, November 7th - 10:23 pm
Jonathan drove over to your house.
"Did you see that thing?" you ask.
"No," Jonathan quietly replied.
You groan in disappointment as he parked his car on your driveway.

"See you tomorrow, okay?" Jonathan said, unlocking his car.
"Yep," you reply, grabbing your satchel.
You creep onto the driveway, realizing you can't go through the window again, your elbow still ached from the fall. You know what would happen if you unlock the door, you have no other choice, so you unlock the door.

You walk into the house, the light switched on.
"Shit!" you jumped as Mom walked towards you.
"Where have you been? And where is your Nancy?" Mom yelled.
"How am I supposed to know?" you reply back.
The door creaked behind you, you spun around to see Nancy creep in, wet hair and in an unknown hoodie drenched with cologne.

"There's no point in creeping in, Nancy," you scoff as her eyes widened.
"Where have you two been?" Mom asked loudly, "We agreed on 10:00. Not you Y/n, Nancy."
"After the assembly, some people wanted to get something to eat," Nancy whispered.
"Oh, you went to the assembly? I thought I saw you somewhere else," You mutter.
Nancy looked at you with wide eyes, gesturing you to shut up, once again.

"I didn't think it would be a big deal." Nancy turned towards Mom.
"You didn't think to call and let me know?" Mom crossed her arms, "With everything that been going on??"
"I didn't realize how late it was, okay?" Nancy whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" You mimic her.
"Shut up," Nancy said as she walked upstairs.
"Hey, wait," Mom said, "Who's sweatshirt is that?"

"Probably her boyfriend Steve," You said.
"Steve's.." Mom looked at Nancy, "Steve's your boyfriend now, hm?"
"What? No!" Nancy denied, "It was just cold, so I borrowed his sweatshirt. It's not a big deal."
"Nancy," Mom called.
"What?" Nancy threw her arms up.
"You can talk to me," Mom said, "Whatever happened."
"Nothing happened," Nancy said, she sounded like she was about to break, "Nothing.. happened.
She walked upstairs quickly, you tried following behind her.

"Hey, hey! Y/n, I'm not done with you," Mom said, grabbing your arm.
"What?" you spun around.
"Where were you?" Mom asked.
"I was hanging out with a friend."
"Who?" Mom asked.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because...well..." you tried to make up something at last second, "We we're just hanging out.

"Where?" Mom asked.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes, it does."
"Well, we were in the woods—" you started.
"In the woods?" Mom cocked her head, "Y/n, with all this going on, I thought you'd be the most responsible with your choices."
"I...I know, I was just helping Jonathan find Will," you said.
"Leave that to the police. I don't want to lose a kid," Mom replied.
You awkwardly smile before running upstairs into your room.

6:05 am
You got up from your bed, you couldn't sleep last night. You groaned as you grabbed your clothes and slid them on.
"Kids! Time for school!" you heard Mom yell.
You bolt out of your room and into the bathroom. Your eyes were bloodshot red. You wet your face with some water and headed downstairs.

As soon as you got to school, you decided to talk to Nancy.
"Hey, what happened last night?" you ask.
"Nothing happened," Nancy said before she walked the other direction.
You looked at her as she walked through the halls of Hawkins High. You walked up to your locker and turned the digits. The click clack sound echoed through your ears. As soon as the bell rang, you slowly walked to class, maybe tripping once or twice along the way.

"Alright class, get out your notebooks," Mr. Kaminsky said as he walked into the room.
"Hey, do you have a pencil?" a voice behind you ask.
"What? Huh?" you turn around.
"Pencil?" the guy with short hair asked.
"I'm sorry. I don't have that." you reply, quickly turning around.
You heard the guy scoff behind you. Ignoring him, you start to scribble in your chemistry notes. You have an insane head ache this morning.

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