6. The Monster

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1983 - 8:32 pm
"Nancy!" Jonathan screamed.
"Come on, come on," you talked to yourself before yelling, "Nancy!"
"Nancy! Where are you?" Jonathan screamed, turning around.

"Where is she?" you asked, knowing it's an irrelevant question because neither of you know where she is.
"Jonathan? Y/n? I'm right here!" you heard Nancy's faint voice.
"Nancy?" you ran through the forest.
It was like she was right here, but just can't see her. You heard Jonathan breathing heavily after all the shouting.
"Nancy?" you yell again, straining your throat.
"Y/n, where are you?" Nancy's voice echoed the forest.

"I'm right here!" you shout out, "Nancy!"
"Jonathan!" Nancy's faint voice cried.
"Nancy!" Jonathan called out.
Your head was ringing, due to yelling so much. This is getting repetitive. You urge yourself to call Nancy again.
"Jonathan, Y/n, I'm right... I'm right here!" Nancy hollered.

"I'm right here!" Jonathan yelled as Nancy called out to Jonathan.
"I'm right here! Nancy!" you scream at the top of your lungs, "Just follow my voice!"
"Y/n!" you heard her yell.
"Follow my voice, Nancy. I'm right here!" you cup your mouth.

"Nancy?!" Jonathan screamed.
You heard Nancy gasped loudly, you yell her name before tugging Jonathan to run with you.
You pull Jonathan towards the tree where we found her things.
"What... what the hell?" You drop your flashlight on the floor.
"Nancy?" Jonathan whispered.
You pick up Nancy's bat, kneeling next to the gooey tree.

"Be careful, Y/n," Jonathan said behind.
"Nancy?" you yell through the hole.
The hole had goo all over it, it was...it was alive.
The hole squelch which make you gag a bit.
"Nancy?" You poke the hole with the bat.
"Careful." Jonathan pulled your shoulder back.

"Nancy?" you said softly," Are you still alive?"
"Nancy!" Jonathan yelled through the pit in the tree.
You got closer to the hole, holding Jonathan's flashlight towards it. Jonathan kneeled behind you, cautiously approaching the hole.

You gasped and fell on Jonathan when a hand reached out.
"Y/n!" Nancy called out.
"Nancy!" You reached for her gooey hand.
You could hear Nancy straining to get out. You pull on her arm as Jonathan reaches for her arm as well.

You were pulling so hard, you were basically floating in the air. It's like Nancy got glued into the tree.
Soon enough, Nancy slid out, she looked like a newborn baby with all the goo.
Nancy groaned as Jonathan pulled her out.
"Nancy," You grab her body, "Are you okay?"

She shivered on Jonathan and your body.
"Nancy," you said quietly, hugging her gooey body.
Nancy sobbed onto your shoulder, grasping onto your coat.
"I got you," Jonathan whispered into her ear.
You hug her as you watch the hole she came out of slowly disappear like it was never there.

You and Jonathan carried Nancy into our home after Jonathan drove us.
You unlocked the door silently, making sure Mom doesn't hear us.
"Here, let me help," You reach out to Nancy.
"It's okay Y/n," Nancy said, limping upstairs with the help of Jonathan.

You entered her room with Jonathan. She was soaking wet, not with water, but gross icky goo.
You grabbed a towel from her dresser, handing it to Jonathan as he comforts her on her bed.
"I'm gonna go take a shower," you say before closing the door.

You tip toe into your room, grabbing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.
You quickly run to the bathroom, taking a short cold shower before you heard Nancy walking in.

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