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L I S A' s
point of view

I'm currently sitting inside the cafeteria while I wait for my friends to arrive. I came here earlier since our professor had a meeting to attend so he gave us a vacant hour.

I'm here, bored and exhausted. I have been reviewing ever since last night for our upcoming test later on.

Just then, I felt someone taking their seat beside me and saw Jungkook.

"Hello to you, koo." I greeted him in a lifeless manner. He must've noticed my lack of energy for he asked me,

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head at him. I'm totally not in the mood to eat or do anything right now other than reviewing. I don't have an appetite after all these notes that Bambam gave me earlier.

"Oh, Lisa!" I heard Jennie eonnie from afar and saw her pouting towards me to which I chuckled shortly. "You didn't wait for me!" she accused.

"I'm sorry, eonnie. Our professor came to attend a meeting so he gave us one hour vacant." I told them briefly.

"So you mean, you stayed here for an hour?" Taehyung oppa asked while taking his seat across Jungkook, Jennie eonnie taking the seat in front of me.

I smiled at him for affirmation.

"What's that for?" Jennie eonnie asked while pointing at the scattered notes in front of me.

I sighed. "We have tests later on and since I had a little accident yesterday, I missed my class."

"Whose notes are those then?"

"Bammie." I responded earning a nod from her.

I flipped through the pages lazily failing to notice the man sitting beside me is already fuming in rage.

"Tsk, Bammie, my ass!" I heard an incoherent mumble from beside me that I failed to hear clearly.

I turned my head to him with a knitted eyebrows, "Are you saying something?"

I saw him rolling his eyes at me before shrugging his shoulders, completely ignoring me leaving me stunned and dumbfounded in my place.

What's up with him today? He's been acting strange lately. I noticed his mood swings has become more and more intense.

"So," Jennie eonnie plopped her elbows on the table and asked incredulously, "I notice your closeness with Bambam-ssi. You two look comfortable with each other."

I raised an eyebrow at her, bewildered. What is this about now?

"Yes. Bammie and I are close. He's a good guy and very approachable and accommodating at that!" I beamed. What I said is true though. Bammie has been a very good friend towards me and he is truly a nice guy. Add the fact that he is also handsome and even though his intelligence isn't on par with Jungkook's, he is still considered smart.

"Bammie?" I whipped my head to the side only to be greeted by a furious Jungkook. I nodded at him still not getting their point of talking about Bambam.

I heard him chuckling but the tone sounded rather strange. It was like he's being sarcastic—full of mockery and taunting.

"I see, you two has gotten to that point, huh?" His glared intensified and I suddenly felt fearful.

I gulped and stared at Jennie eonnie and Taehyung oppa only to see them shaking their heads with a smile.

What's amusing in my situation?!

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