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Meiji Era, 1900

Arms of shrine maidens held Lady Himorogi by both of her forearms, elbows and wrists, their breaths misting along with the night air and the light of the beaming moon casting a light that lets others see a thin sheet of sweat coating their foreheads.

 "Lady Himorogi isn't due to give birth yet. But she is a day early!" One priestess spoke, holding onto a lantern to see through the dark. "The court sorcerer specifically says that Lady Himorogi must give birth in her minor relatives' home in the northeastern part of town. But the gates are already closed and the nearest one minor relative is located in the northern area."

"Please lead the way to the northern area already! Lady Himorogi cannot stand for longer!" A shrine maiden begs.

And with that, three priestess' began to walk forward, one hand holding onto a red lantern and the other playing the bells for the reason to ward off any evil spirit that they may encounter along the way.

In a shallow surface, families look forward to welcoming another child into the family.

But on a deeper level, their situation is as stressful as it is; half of their plans were already not going into the direction they have planned, causing anxiety (except Lady Himorogi) to build into them.

One, they aren't favorable of Lady Himorogi giving birth in a different direction of the house as planned.

Two, the priestess' had to work as hard as to create a loud echoing sounds from the bells to ward off the evil spirits that would prey on Lady Himorogi and her baby.

And three, giving birth at night isn't favorable as well. Because it invites the realm of supernatural to merge with the realm of the living.

"We have arrived!" One priestess begins to say, opening the sliding doors for them to enter. "Hurry! Prepare the poppy seeds, candles and drums. I'll go and prepare the white kimono and rope."

A younger priestess caught heard of the last two items, turning her head to look at the older lady. "What is the rope for?" She asks.

"That's how you conduct a delivery." The older priestess replies. "With the support of the rope hanging from the ceiling, Lady Himorogi will be on her knees in a squatting position, one will take a hold of the baby as she pushes while you support her by her under arms."

Gripping onto the ropes tightly while Lady Himorogi bites down on the white cloth between her teeth, she begins to push out the baby she is homing inside her body for nine months - one shrine maiden has her palms facing onto Lady Himorogi's entrance while the other held her upright by her under arms.

Cries of pain and discomfort muffle into the room, but the sounds of fish drums and bells were more prominent outside of the delivery room. All for the same reason to drive away evil spirits who have intentions of slurping birth blood and devouring the mother and child.

"I see the head!" A shrine maiden spoke, alerting the women assisting Lady Himorogi.

"Please, please, my lady. Just a few more push and your child will bless this world with her existence!"

"Take deep breaths then push."

"You are doing so well, my lady."

"Why is mommy crying?" Amane Himorogi, age seven years old with short bub cut and half bangs asks her father with her lilac colored eyes wide in curiosity.

"Is mommy sick? Is my baby sibling giving mommy a hard time? I'll give her a scolding when they come out!" She berates, eyebrows furrowed and lower lip jutted out as she looks at her father.

The older man chuckles heartily, getting down on one knee as he levels with her. "Your baby sibling is excited to come out. You see, your baby sibling is supposed to meet you tomorrow...but they are so excited to see you, their older sister!"

"My baby sibling is excited to meet me?" Amane asks, mouth slightly parted as she gasps. Her shocked expression immediately turned into a happy one. "In that case, I'm happy to meet them too!"

Mister Himorogi smiles upon hearing her words. "Do you promise to love and look after your baby sibling?"

"I promise!" Amane responded.

"E-excuse me..."

A sudden timid voice interrupted the two, both of them turning their heads to look at the direction of the voice. Not only were the father and daughter are surprised to see what is in front of them, so are the shrine maidens and priests stationed outside of the house.

"It's a girl" The youngest shrine maiden announces, holding onto a still covered in blood sleeping baby girl wrapped in a white cloth, blood staining the cloth.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Where...where is my baby?" Lady Himorogi asks, slowly fluttering her eyes open as she looks at the ladies in the room with her.

"They are with your husband and Amane, my lady." Spoke the older priestess, damping a clean cloth onto Lady Himorogi's forehead. "They are very delighted and wish to congratulate you on the safe and successful delivery." 

Hearing her words brought a small smile onto Lady Himorogi's lips, her chest rising up and down as she still steadies her breathing.

"Now that you are in your after birth phase, please refrain from going out of your home for the first two weeks. No showering or washing of hair until the seventh day. Please do not forget to massage your breast so as to encourage milk production and flow for your baby." The older priestess adds, lowering her hand as she damps the cloth onto a sweat covered area of Lady Himorogi's neck.

"Speaking of baby, what are you going to name her?" She asks.

And so Lady Himorogi became quiet as she began to think of a name. A name that would best suit her baby, her youngest daughter. Despite her tired physique and drained mental state, she is willing to push herself to wrack her brain, all in the effort to give her a name.

"...........Tsukihana" Lady Himorogi whispers

The older priestess blinks. "Tsuki...hana? Tsukihana?" She asks. Lady Himorogi nodding her head at her.

"Why name her that?" She asks again.

"Because..." Lady Himorogi begins to say, "She is a beauty that came out of the night. Not only does the flower stands for a dreaming of love, she'll be able to uplift anyone who feels low. She will be a ray of hope against this country filled with demons."

"Though a tsukihana is a night flower, you will always find meaning even in the darkest of the nighttime."

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