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Ever since the incident of that night, Mister Himorogi simultaneously shift sleeping schedules with a few monks and priestesses, all for to look after Tsukihana.

Her white hair grows one centimeter per day, having Lady Himorogi to cut her hair every month. The children near their home couldn't keep up with Tsukihana's stamina and endurance while playing games.

"Are you even human?" One child shouted at her, huffing and puffing his breath, causing Tsukihana to stop and stare at them with her round lavender eyes.

"Were tired and we don't want to play anymore with you, freak!"

"Tsukihana!" Amane calls out to her, the two Himorogi sisters walking around the market. "Don't walk so fast! Wait for me!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, older sister!" Tsukihana would always say.

"That cut looks deep, Tsukihana." The eldest priestess says, examining the cut on Tsukihana's finger. "Hold on, let me wrap your wound for you." She says, turning around to get the supplies.

"No need to!" Tsukihana squeaks.

And as the woman turns around to look back to Tsukihana's finger, the wound has already completely healed. As if nothing happened at all.

"Hey Tsukihana" Amane would say, a small frown painted on her lips. "Can we go to the festival together later? Do you think they have taiyaki there?"

Tsukihana closes her eyes for a split second while taking a deep breath. "I believe so, older sister!"

"Hey" A child calls out as their ball continues to roll onto Tsukihana's feet. "Can you please- never mind, you can have it." The child dismisses, walking away.

Tsukihana bends down to pick up their ball, jogging towards them.

"Do you want to play with me?" She asks, eager to befriend the village children as the others ultimately stopped playing with her.

"Well...we kind of don't want to." One child answers. "Playing with you makes gives us the creeps. Don't take it the wrong way, you're pretty, but you scare us."

Growing up, all Tsukihana ever has as a playmate were the priestesses in training and Amane. Sure she had loads of fun playing toys or walking around the market with them, but it doesn't feel the same as when she tries to blend and befriend the children she doesn't know.

"Mommy" Tsukihana begins to say as her mother ties her hair into a neat bun from behind. "Am I normal?"

Lady Himorogi doesn't falter, her hands continue to comb her hair, hair tie wrapped around her wrist.

"Why do you ask that, my flower?" The older woman asks, twirling Tsukihana's long, white hair into a donut shaped circle before securing it with a hair tie.

"The children say they don't want to play with me because I tire them out. Even the priestesses get tired of when they play with me. Some of them even said that I looked scary." Six year old Tsukihana replies, turning around to face her mother.

"Is it because of my hair, mommy?" She wonders. "I've always noticed that everyone has dark hair colors. I want to have black hair too! They say I'm scary and remind them of a demon-"

"Tsukihana" Lady Himorogi begins to say, cupping her cheeks into her worn out hands.

"Whatever you hear that comes out of their mouths, let it enter one ear and then let it out on the other. They don't know you like we do, Tsukihana." Lady Himorogi says, giving the young girl a small smile before placing her red lips on her forehead, giving her a kiss.

"You're very special, Tsukihana. Don't let your strengths be your insecurity. Because one day, they will guide you and you'll create your own path. A path where you yourself will walk on."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

Four years passed by, Tsukihana grew to become timid and bashful. Often hiding inside her room and shutting herself inside whenever visitors come to their home.

Ten years old Himorogi Tsukihana watched everyone from up the stairs, watching as the priests, priestesses and everyone else in her family discuss amongst themselves. She entirely knew who the priests came into their home but she didn't know who the boy with black hair is.

Sitting in front of her older sister, the boy with black hair is wrapped with thick clothing. Does he have a cold? He looked a little weak, often being supported whenever he tries to lift up the kettle by himself.

Ten years old Himorogi Tsukihana decided to let her hair grow out, her long, white hair now stopping on top of her lower back. Tomorrow, for sure, it'll be by her hips.

There is exactly no reason for Tsukihana to eavesdrop, she is welcome to join them, however, given by how everything in her somewhat feels unnatural (based on her judgement), she took a step back, letting everyone else enjoy life except her.

And when the boy with black hair lifts his head up and their eyes meet, Tsukihana scrambles to her feet, crawling back up and hiding inside her room.

"I'm getting married" Seventeen year old Amane breaks the news to Tsukihana the following day.

"Is that so?" Amane asks, swinging her feet under the veranda, feeling the lush green grass on the pad and sole of her feet. "Congratulations, older sister."

"Tsukihana" Amane says, smiling at her younger sister. "I'd like it if you attend my wedding too. I want my little sister to be there for me!"

Clamping her lips shut, Tsukihana thinks about it for a moment, eyes blinking twice.

"Older sister, thank you for the invite, but...I really don't like drawing any attention on me." She replies. "It's your day, the attention should be on you. Not me."

"Don't you want to come out of your room?" Amane asks, her happy facial expression now turning sad. "It'd be nice if you could get some air. Some of them are very curious about you too. Even Kagaya."

"Kagaya?" Tsukihana repeats, turning her head to look at her older sister. "Who is he?"

"The boy I'm supposed to get married to." Amane responds, "Last night, before he left, he told me, that atop of the stairs, he saw you looking down at us from the second floor. He said you suddenly scrambled away. Why did you suddenly hide?"

Tsukihana didn't know whether or not she should answer, because a simple question like that, brought an unnerving feeling to her.

"Being surrounded by so many people..." Tsukihana begins to say, gulping. "...just really makes me nervous!" She chuckles. "I'm just the shy type, older sister!"

"This is why you should come out of your shell more often!"

"No need to, older sister! When I reach eighteen, I'll work my way up and become a miko! In fact, I think I'll become a good shrine maiden!"

The two sisters suddenly became quiet, admiring the still life that is in front of them. Though they are quiet, the silence between them isn't uncomfortable, rather, it was relaxing.

"Does the sun bother you?" Amane asks, not turning her head to look at Tsukihana.

Tsukihana shakes her head. "I like it when the sun is out." She replies. "Why do you ask me that question every year?"

Amane smiles softly, slowly shaking her head. "No reason."

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