back to hawkins

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(for background steve and y/n's parents are divorced and y/n moved out of state with their mom, but was finally able to move back home with steve, also our dad is never home bc thats so boring lol)

y/n pov

i finally finished packing all my things. mom kicked me out so im moving back to hawkins to live with my older brother, steve. i dragged my bags downstairs and waited in the driveway for steve to get here. once he finally shows up and gets out of the car i run to him. "steve!! oh my god i missed you so much"
"hey y/n! i missed you too. ready to go to hawkins?"
we packed my stuff into the trunk of his car and started our journey home. i take out my walkman and listen to some music since its gonna be a few hours until we get there.

time skip to when we get to the house

we pulled into the driveway and steve helped me bring my bags into my old room.
"oh yeah by the way you still have to go to school tomorrow even though spring break starts literally the day after" steve tells me as he's leaving my room.
"are you kidding me? fine whatever im gonna get ready for bed then" i said as i shut my door and walked into my bathroom (yk we have our own bathroom bc steves dad is rich remember).

time skip to morning bc this is boring lol

i wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. 6:30am. i basically fall out of bed and get ready for school. it takes me about an hour and its 7:45 so i still have a little time before steve said he would take me to school. i shuffle down to the kitchen and make myself some eggos. while im waiting for them to heat up steve runs down the stairs, "come on y/n we have to pick up robin, 5 minutes or im leaving without you!" i grab my waffles as soon as they come up and run to his car. of course i have to sit in the back seat since we're picking up robin. once we pick her up i kinda zone out just waiting to get to school. "..she returned fast times, paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. do you know who pauses fast times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds? people who like boobies, robin."
"ew, gross"
"dont say boobies!"
"its not a big deal, okay? i like boobies, YOU like boobies.. VICKIE LIKES BOOBIES, definitely....
its boobies"
"um, what the fuck are we talking about?" i question, wondering if they forgot i was in the car.
"what?? oh uh nothing, nothing." robin says quickly, as if steve wasnt clearly just talking about liking boobs.
"robin, you know im not like, homophobic, right? im an ally." (help heartstopper fans where r u)
"what? oh okay uh cool." robin says, sounding relieved.
we finally get to school and i get out of the car and see some lady yelling at people to go to the gym. i walk up to her cause i assume she would be able to tell me where to get my class info and stuff like that.
"oh hi!! y/n, right?" she says as soon as she sees me. "im ms. kelly, please follow me to my office ill get you your schedule and locker information!" as she already starts to walk away towards the school.
"and would you like me to call someone down to show you around during the pep rally?" she asks as she hands me my schedule. "im sure theres plenty of kids who dont want to be there right now"
"uh, yeah. sure." i say, not really wanting to go to a pep rally either.
"okay, give me a minute and ill have someone down here to show you around"
she leaves me in the office, probably to go look for someone in the gym.
she comes back a few minutes later with this guy that looks like hes about my age. he has curly brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"y/n, this is gareth, he'll be showing you around school today."
"oh um okay, hey gareth."
"hey y/n, uh you ready to see the school?" gareth asks. god his voice lord have mercy.
"yeah lets go."
we walk around school for a while, not really talking other than him just telling me where certain rooms are. good news is, we have a pretty similar schedule.
"okay y/n so this is our first class, the pep rally should be done soon, so do you wanna just go sit down?" gareth asks me, i noticed he was playing with his rings quite a lot when he talked to me.
"um yeah sure"

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